Chapter 15

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As Mistfur opened her eyes to see the light of dawn creeping into the den, she heard a small voice whispering to her.

"Mistfur! Mistfur!"

It was Jaypaw, nudging at her.

"Wake up! It's time for training, right?"

"Well... someone's enthusiastic." She greeted, half purring in amazement, half yawning.

"But not just any training! Hopestar said she was sending me on a special mission instead, and to wake you up too!"

"Huh? Really? Well... alright. Just a second."

She slowly pressed her nose into Whitefur's fur and whispered an "I'll be back" before she followed the apprentice outside.

There, Spiderfoot stood with Wetnose and Pinepaw, who seeemd a bit jittery until Jaypaw approached, suddenly relaxing him.

Spiderfoot bowed his head slightly, but turned away to let out a small wheezing, coughing noise before he spoke.

"Mistfur, I'm glad to see you both are up. We're so sorry to trouble you like this."

"What's going on?"

"Well, we were about to go around the territories to request the stones to meet with StarClan tonight at icemoon. But, Pinepaw didn't seem to take it too well, thinking we would be attacked. So, Spiderfoot and I went to Hopestar and requested a warrior travel with us... that's when we realized how close him and Jaypaw were. In the end, Hopestar agreed to send you both with us. If that's still alright..?" Wetnose was a bit unsure of herself, but Mistfur only nodded.

"It's fine. I remember what it was like, being an apprentice at first. I was a bit scared too. But look, Pinepaw..." she meowed, gesturing to him, then to the others.

"You don't have just one, but two mentors, ready to guide you. You'll never be alone. It may feel scary at first, and I'd never know what it was like to be a medicine cat's apprentice, but think about all the secrets you'll know that no one else does. Your littermates would think you were the coolest, and would ask you to confide in them all your secrets. Then you could be silly about it, if you wish, and say it's only for a medicine cat apprentice to know."

Pinepaw began to beam.

"So it... isn't lame?"

"No, not at all. I think it's admirable, wanting to help cats. You'll be a real asset to this clan, especially when you receive your full name, and think of how many cats will be happily saying 'thank you' to you for your excellent treatment."

"Yeah!" Pinepaw exclaimed, with a newfound sense of courage as he walked and talked with Jaypaw excitedly.

Spiderfoot nodded, impressed.

"Spoken by a Justice Juror, indeed. I'm sure he understands too, that it will be hard... so many cats are ill or die, and there's not much we can do about it... but these are things he'll need to learn later on, and hopefully not too early."

He turned away to cough again.

"Spiderfoot, what's wrong?!" Mistfur gasped, as his body heaved a bit.

"I've... had this mousebrained cough for a few days now. Wetnose and I have been trying to treat it."

"He's still stable enough to continue his duties, he will be fine if we take it easy." Wetnose replied. Though, underneath, Mistfur could sense an unsure tone. Did his apprentice know something he didn't?

Spiderfoot shook his pelt after another cough, and stretched a bit, beginning to leave camp.

"Spiderfoot," Hopsetar called, causing him to stop. "Just... be careful."

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now