Chapter 2

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: As a small note, I will update this every Sunday until Imagine (my original book) is complete, then its update day will be moved to Friday. Nevertheless, enjoy the chapter!


A small gray and white kit stumbled around the den, her eyes shut.

"Ivykit? Sedgekit? Where'd you both go? I can't see where you went-" her voice was cut short by a stray pile of twigs tripping up her paws and making her fall down. "Oomph!"

"Ha-ha! I knew she'd fall for it, literally!" A male voice taunted.

"Sedgekit, that was mean!" Another female voice shouted.

"Aw, come on, sis. You know I was just playing around. Seriously, her eyes can't stay that way forever. I just wanted to make them open up a different way."

"But playing all these stupid pranks on her?"

"Hello, kits." A friendlier voice greeted the two of them.

"Ah, Wetnose!" Sedgekit's tone shifted suddenly and awkwardly.

"Don't tell me you've been hurting your sister," she growled.

"No, I swear! I was just trying to see if her eyes would open! Honest!"

"Kits, we've talked about this. Your sister has a very serious infection in her eyes. Luckily, it's not affecting her energy or her performance, but... it could be fatal if we even let her leave the nursery. I fear that the outer contaminants of the world we live in cannot be contained..." she paused. "...pardon my large words. I'm just saying that we don't want her infection to get worse or she could, well... you know."

"Okay..." Sedgekit mewed dejectedly. "It's just no fun that she can't play games with us."

"We don't want to lose her!" Ivykit cried.

"You won't. I'm doing everything I can to guarantee that you will not lose Mistkit as a sibling. Your mother and I, though, are both suggesting that you both keep her company while she's here. Talk to her. Tell her about the world outside. Tell her what awaits her future. Give her hope."

"We understand," Ivykit acknowledged.

"Good. Now, don't be too rough with her anymore."


A few days had passed since that conversation came and went.

Ivykit and Sedgekit had spent every minute of their time to tell Mistkit of the beauties of the outside world- the fresh-kill, the moss ball game, the moths that would infrequently flutter around, along with the fireflies that lit up the area at night. MistClan had always sounded like a beautiful territory to the young gray and white kit, and with each passing day, she grew more desperate to see it.

I wanna get better! I wanna see the world like Ivykit and Sedgekit! The kit's desperate pleas echoed in her head day after day, treatment after treatment, nap after nap.

Until one night...

"Psst! Ivykit! Sedgekit!"

"Mmmrh, what is it, Mistkit?" Sedgekit groaned.

"Let's go outside!"

The two gasped at her, flabbergasted.

"W-what? We're not allowed to take you outside! Wetnose said-"

"Ah, forget her! Mistkit wants this. Wasn't our main task to give her hope?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"Then let's go!"

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now