Chapter 18

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"She definitely knows something," Mistfur muttered to Hopestar and Whitefur, rejoining them. "But... she thinks it's a crazy theory, so I only got bits and pieces."

"Anything goes," Hopestar replied. "The fate of this clan could lie on such information if he's plotting something. However, I understand she's hesitant, considering the information we learned about her..."

"...which is why I had to trade this information for a favor..."

"What do you mean?"

"She's been saying Mothnose has been off lately, sick during patrols and refusing prey she usually eats. But, we've only been theorizing-"

"-that my daughter is pregnant?"

"...yeah, but it was just a theory the others came up with... I'm supposed to try to confirm it because I'm her best friend or... something."

"I'd suggest," Whitefur put in, raising his tail. "That you speak to her on your own after we're done talking. Hopestar and I will not intervene, it is not our business."

"You're right."

"Back to more pressing matters..." Hopestar murmured, still looking a bit bewildered by the news on Mothnose. "...what did she say about Red?"

"Oh, right. She's certain he's working with someone in this clan and is plotting another attack. They had a whole scheme, but he wouldn't divulge who or when to her."

"Mouse dung," Whitefur grumbled.

"But," Mistfur spoke again, flicking her tail angrily. "She's almost certain it's Crowpool. She's seen him speak to Red on several occasions, when the elders are out of their den."

"Hmm," Hopestar mumbled. "But first- I must know. Is this, or is this not, because she has a grudge towards him for his treatment?"

"No, definitely not. We've suspected him for a long time."

"Mistfur's right, Hopestar." Whitefur chimed in again. "We can't exclude any cat as a possibility- however, we have reason to believe Crowpool is responsible."

"You may be right, so we'll need to talk about it more. Mistfur, you should talk to Mothnose while she's still outside. Don't get your apprentice involved, and don't worry- he will be sent on a patrol with one of his littermates if he really wants something to do."

"I understand. Thank you."

Outside, she saw Mothnose sitting with Icewing, and the mood was somber after the morning's activities.

"Hey, you both."

"Mistfur, hey. Sorry, we were just... distracted for a bit." Icewing murmured, looking down at her paws.

"It's okay... I understand. He was your father... I don't know what I'd do without mine."

Mothnose was nearby, struggling not to break down, it felt like. Mistfur could only sit beside her as she pushed her nose into her shoulder with a shaky sigh.

"I really am sorry..."

"He was at peace," Icewing replied, giving a nod, before brushing her nose into Mistfur's other shoulder.

She then kept silent, letting the sisters mourn him.

Eventually breaking the silence, Mistfur sighed.

"I actually wanted to ask you both something..."

They lifted their heads.

"I, well. I'd been hearing something about Mothnose and... I may be wrong..."

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ