Surprise! It's a rewrite!

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Bet you didn't expect to see this story again, eh? I'm rewriting the entirety of Miststar's story! Especially since the first version was made when I was in the 5th and 6th grade and... well. They're garbage. Absolute garbage. Now, I will revisit the story most had once loved a bit over 7 years ago... and remake it! The story is all brand-new, needless to say. The characters haven't changed one bit! Some of them have different names/descriptions and some were removed, though. Some names and cats just... didn't seem right when reviewing the Allegiances again and rediscovering my love for Warrior Cats. The original version will stay on Wattpad, untouched from now on. Regardless of how you're reading, if you're an original fan or a new one, I hope you enjoy Version 2 of Miststar's story! Happy reading!

Much love, Minori 💕

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now