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Alice has left for Forks, she wants to see if Bella had killed herself. Sometimes the visions were wrong and Edward agreed to 'endure' until she knew. He was convinced though, he was ready to end it all because he couldn't picture a life without her. Even though he chose to leave. To protect her and it seemed to not even do that. I wanted to hurt with him, I just felt numb. It was like I wasn't capable to feeling anything differently than that because of how we left and I started my own family. I had to put all my focus in Jasper and our new little baby. 

Never the less, I had been the one went to Edward's room. There was music scattered everywhere, and disks even broken near the ground under the window. "The vision could be wrong." I tell him. He laughs, "How often has that happened Sinna, huh?" I don't know what to say to him. Sometimes words weren't enough. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his chin on my shoulder. "I won't be able to live without her." I pull away. "I don't think thats what she would want." He gives a sarcastic laughing shake. "If she is dead, we won't know what she wants." I don't know what to say, Bella was his only reason for living, and he wasn't even sure if he had that left. I pat his cheek. "We can only do what we can do." I say quickly, turning before he could see the cheek rolling down my tear as well. 

I don't know if I was crying for Edward or for Isabella. I listen to my heels click under my feet. Alice didn't own any other type of shoe. I bump into Jasper. "You were up there for a while darling." I sigh. "I don't know what to do Jasp." 

My knees start to buckle under me, and panic sets through my body. "Jasper, my water- I think it just broke." His hands make their way around my waist and bicep before picking me up bridal style and rushes me to my room. "I have to find Carlisle." He tells me. I scream managing to grab is bicep. "Please, don't leave." He battles what to do, and as if the world was on our side Carlisle barges in. "She is giving a premature birth. The baby shouldn't even be able to signal to the rest of the body yet." He sits on the oak chair pushing lightly on my stomach. Tears stream down my face as it hits me. I am about to have a child and my sister may be dead. "Sinna, I know you are going through a lot but I need you to calm down. You have to calm down. Your body is way too tense to see if I can deliver this baby." I take one deep breathe and grab Jasper's hand. "I can do this." I tell him. He uses his other hand to wipe the hair out of my face. It takes everything in me to attempt controlling my breathing. 

"Your baby is much bigger than we originally thought, it may have a chance of survival." Carlisle says, giving me a weak smile.  It drops when it looks at Jasper. "She may not make it through this birth though." Jasper's grip around my hand tightens. "She's a vampire. What do you mean she won't make it?" A mix of fear and anger apparent in his voice. "This child has put too much strain on her. It's caused too many complications." It was the last thing I heard before my ears start to ring and I fight the blur that was making its way to my vision. By the time I know what is happening next I cannot hear, see or feel anything. It's just a black nothingness. I try to make words out in the black, but a sentence would not form. 

"I love you Sinna."

All I can see is black, but I feel so much in the moment. I hear as they talk over me. Rosalie is in awe of my new child. She rubs her thumb down my cheek. "You've done good mama."  I know that she takes off with the baby because I no longer hear the cries. I was content with just knowing she was alive right now. 

I try to move, but the effort I made was exhausting. I just listened. "Have you thought of a name?" Jasper says nothing. I don't know how to explain it, but I could tell his eyes were on me. He was watching me. 

"We need to go." Carlisle says. I wanted to ask Jasper to stay, but I knew I couldn't. Even if I could talk and move. I hoped that he would stay safe, I hoped my baby was safe... And oddly enough, I wanted nothing more than to know my sister was safe. 

"I love you Jasper." I think to myself. 

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