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Two Months Later

I have a bump now. It is larger then what a human's bump would look like. Carlisle says that is normal. That the baby is strong and healthy. What confuses him though, is the heartbeat. Regardless of my own ability. Jasper and I are technically dead. 

As for Edward,  he doesn't come out of his room anymore. Unless it is to hunt. Even then, you have to force him to do so. He's been very connected to my baby though. He likes to listen to its thoughts. Edward thinks it may be a baby girl. 

"Good Morning Sinna."  Jasper says, opening the door to our bedroom. I stretch and yawn. I've been much more tired in the last few weeks. I assumed it was just our baby. He sits on the edge of the bed and rubs my stomach. He seems happier then I think he is willing to admit about our baby. 

"We get to find out our gender today." He tells me. I smile at him. Looking down at my bump. "What are you hoping for?" His eyebrows furrow. "Something healthy." I agree. I hadn't thought about much else. There aren't many vampires out there like me, according to Carlisle. They have all died but one, and they all made a cautious effort not to bear a child. They chose chaos I suppose. 

Jasper holds his breathe and doesn't say anything as we walk through the halls. I get eyed very closely by the other vampire roaming. They are confused into what I am a meal or a vampire. My bright blue eyes confuse them while it is mixed with my scent. It isn't like Jasper's but it isn't normal either. 

Carlisle is waiting for us in an empty room. I sit on the table and he presses on my stomach, I adjust to the coldness of his hands. I laugh a bit thinking back to my human days. Most doctors did have cold hands. So no one probably thought about it. He gives me a smile before placing the cold side of the machine on my stomach. He rolls it around doing his best to check on the wellness of my baby. 

His eyebrows furrow and I know why too. It happens in each session. "There is still a heartbeat." He tells us. "However, I do have the gender." He gives us a light smile. I get excited. "Would you like to know what it is?" He asks us. I look at Jasper for reassurance we both agreed beforehand that we did. 

That was before Alice came in, "No they do not." She says cheerily. "Excuse me?" I say not rudely but questioning. "Your future husband has agreed to partner with me on a baby gender reveal." I raise both eyebrows at him. "You did?" I'm unamused. He gives me a smile and a shrug. 

Alice rushes over and grabs my hands. "Come on Sinna, we are vampires. Not everyday do we get to plan these things you know." I sigh and agree. 

This baby has effected more than Jasper and I. The whole family has their different feelings. Although I know it is my child, I can't help but feel selfish if I don't let them have part of it. 

The lights of the room turn off and we exit. Alice stumbles. "What is it?" Carlisle says alarmed. "It's- Bella?" My throat gets caught. "She, jumped off the cliff." My eyes widen. "I have to go tell Edward." I grab her wrist. "You can't." She shrugs me off. "What if he can save her?" I shake my head. "What if she kills him?" She doesn't say anything. She just rushes off and I do not follow her. I just stand, in shock.  

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