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"I know it is all sudden, but you need to help Bella. You don't want her to end up like us." Jasper says his hand tight on the steering wheel. "This is actually what she wants." I tell him, I don't know why I was being so snarky. Her life was literally on the line and I couldn't help to not have emotion towards the situation. Jasper puts his hand on my thigh. "Please, this is not what you want in the future." He tries one more time. I nod. "So what? Am I just supposed to pop up out of the clear blue and pretend I didn't die only to come back alive?" He looks uneasy. "Edward and Bella have a plan, you will know when you hear her." I get so frustrated I could almost smack my own soulmate. 

I run in following Bella. "How could you even pretend like that Sinna? Do you know how I felt? How dad felt?" I am confused at first, and so is my dad until he see's my face. "Sinna." He whispers. My face drops too, although our relationship was never the strongest, I realized in that moment how much I had missed him. "Don't do that with her Dad, She pretended to die. The Cullen's found out and chased her back here. Now I have to get out. I need to think. She's ruined so much for us." Charlie looks in between both of us conflicted. It gives time for Bella to grab her stuff and make her way out the door. I soon try to chase her. "We will talk about this soon dad, I have to go after her." I tell him. I hug him, holding my breathe. It took everything I had in me to control what I felt. "Bella Wait!" I say chasing her out the door, even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.  

I hope into Jasper's car, and listen as Edwards tires spin out. I think how my sister got everything she wanted out of Edward thus far. It felt so unfair how she always finds the perfect way to get what she wanted. "I want to go home." I tell Jasper, laying my head on his shoulder. He nods. 

I feel cold hands from under me that lift me into the air. I open my eyes lightly to see that it was Jasper. I give him a sleepy smile and reach my fingers up to entangle in his hair and then drop back to my stomach. He lays me on the couch when we get back in our home. He squats to my level, and covers me with one of the few blankets we owned. Running his hand over my cheek. "I'm going to get you a bath running. If you need anything, I am upstairs. Everyone else is with Bella." I roll my eyes. Of course they were. 

I stare at the ceiling, thinking about how this happened. I kept to myself for as long as I could remember. I've known the Cullen's for so many years. Now, I am one of them. All because I chose their house to do a project in. Would I have died if I chosen differently, or was it just fate. 

"Are you ready? Jasper asks me coming back from the bathroom. I nod, I couldn't help but feel weak and fragile. I hadn't ate, my feelings were running wild. He helped me to the restroom and leans against the door. "Will you stay?" I ask looking into his eyes. He looks uneasy but nods. I carefully take off my clothing, not breaking eye contact until I soaked myself with bubbles. He moves to the toilet where he sits and watches me. 

"Sinna, have you ever thought about getting married?" I was taken back by the question. I wasn't going to lie though. "Not much before I met you." He stares at me for a few seconds. "What about after you met me?" 

I smile at him gently. "Daily." He chuckles a little and then looks down at his feet before back up at me. 

"Will you marry me?" I look up at him, my eyes growing big. "What do you mean Jasper?" He signs, pushing the ring that must've been in his hands all this time to where my eyes could see. "Will you marry me, I am asking you. Right now." 

Tears weld up in my eyes. "May I see the ring?" I ask. He nods, handing it over to me. I look at it through the suds I've added from the bath. I look back up at him. "I know this isn't the perfect time, but I don't want to go anymore days without calling you my wife." He tells me. "Of course I will marry you Jasper." He smiles before getting off the toilet and replacing himself with a plush robe. "Take your time, I am going to hunt and make you a salad." I nod at him happily, and then revert my eye contact to the new ring placed on my finger. "Jasper, I love you." He nods and walks out with a matching smile. 


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