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Two Months Later

"Are you ready to go back?" Jasper asks me, rubbing my shoulder. I look down into the window at the city I've learned to know. "I miss my sister, but I don't know how I could ever give this up." I turn to face him. He gives me a small smirk. "It doesn't have to end." I give him a small laugh reaching my hands around his neck and tippy toeing myself to give gentle kissed before whispering "Every good thing comes to an end." I try pulling away but he pushes me to the bed. 
"Not if you are immortal darling." He smiles deviously before tickling me sending me into a fit of giggles. 

When I calm down, Edward opens our door of the shared room. "Are you guys ready to leave?" Since our departure of Bella he has had a very rough time coping and I can only imagine she's been the same way.  I nod my head at him, and Jasper looks at him sympathetically. I couldn't help but to think it was all my fault. 

All the luggage fits into Jasper's car just barely and we say goodbye to the friends we had made since we had gotten here who had promised their help if it were ever needed. When we first arrived there were so many who doubted my existence considering I had no blood thirst. Jasper refused to let me drink blood from any being, not that I was ever objecting. 

I held Jasper's hand the whole ride back to forks. I was scared to say the least. Maybe just overwhelmed. I didn't know how my sister would react. "Do you think she will hate me?" I asked him finally. He stayed silent trying to figure out what words to use. When he answered he sounded strained. "Hate? No, but your sister is very.. Strange. I think Envy will be deep in her heart." I furrow my eyebrows. Envy? It wasn't like I chose this for myself, I was taken from my home all so quick without time to think. 

Jasper rubs my hand comfortingly. "I am sorry I didn't come to your rescue.." He trails in guilt. He was referring to when I had turned. This was the first time it had ever been brought up. I flashback to the night for the first time. I am surprised it hadn't been sooner. I remember his thrashes. This is the first time I had felt numb and not angry about it. It was also the first time  I had no questions. He looks at me intently waiting for my reply. Ever so often switching his eyes back to the road. I shrug. "You tried your best." I feel his tension I didn't notice at first be relieved. "I swear on everything I am Sinna, I did." I give him a small smile. "I know you did." 

We pull into the driveway where it first happened. When I get out of the car I notice a large figure right in front of me, but hidden in the tree line. "Jasper.." I whisper. It snarls at me, despite it being far away. I tremble. "Go inside Sinna." He says threateningly. I didn't waste anytime. When I get up the stairs I watch out the window in protection of my mate. 

The large wolf disappears before a man, my childhood friend- reappears. Jasper walks up to him, along with the rest of the family. If anyone else was around they could witness my eyes becoming the size of saucers. It couldn't be the wolf. I think to myself, and snort thinking that is gold coming from a vampire. 

What came next shocked me even more. My sister comes behind the wolf holding onto his arm her eyes full of hurt towards Edward. Jacob's eyes elsewhere. He see's me in the window, which seems to make him shake. Edward grabs Bella quickly before Jacob has the chance to hurt her. I run down the stairs feeling the need to be there for my own mate. Even if I felt weak. 

A/N: Changed my mind, I want to keep this book going as long as people are enjoying it. I know it is all over the place. Bare with me. 

𝙸𝚐𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚞𝚜 ఌ 𝚓.𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚎Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora