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I see my sister from across the field, we make eye contact but it was seconds before she looks away from me. I had knew she felt guilty for what had happened later that afternoon. I still had no remorse. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't believe that after my death all she cared about was Edward leaving in order for her to see her sister again. 

I smack the back of Emmett's head, and swipe the bat out of his hand. "Sorry, Ladies First." He smirks at me and looks at Rosalie who uses her hand to tilt her hat at me. This meant a curveball, and we all knew it. She was very good at striking our team out when she wanted too. Somehow though, I had inherited a great sense of coordination so I was able to hit every single one within the months I'd made myself part of this family. 

I tilt my hat at her, and she sends a ball swirling my way. I bunt at it and waste no time running right towards first base. It was easy for me to get there, and I had seconds to spare to attempt the next one. 

I risk it anyways, when I see Alice coming closer I slide down to the ground assuring that I just barely made it safe. 

Emmett swings the bat around a few times before pointing the end towards me. "Make it home baby." He says, Rose laughs. "We'll see about that." She winds up the ball and releases it, which does Emmett no good, he swings and misses. 

He chokes up on the bat, says nothing and frowns at her. The next one she throws is hit equally as far as my own. I run to third, and watch as Edward and Jasper clash together. I smirk and take victory at home. 

Alice freezes on second base, and Esme's motherly instinct notices right away. Carlisle following. "What is it Alice?" He asks her. "We have visitors. They were going South, but they heard us playing." 

Even mad at my sister, I couldn't help but stand in front of her in protection. Edward glances at me in gratitude. I swear if we'd been in any other situation I would have rolled my eyes. His glance disappears as he realizes my thoughts. 

The trio of foreigners appear in front of us. I meet each of their eyes before the blood red, dark rims of the middle man meets my own. I panic internally praying he didn't see it. He gives me a wicked smirk. "Hello, my sweet.. Snack." 

I see emotion hit Jasper like a train. I was not an Empath like him, but I saw all of his emotions unravel right before me. He runs towards the vampire, but is stopped by Edward. "It's not worth it." He says loud and firmly. 

I can see Edward regretting his quick movement. Leaving Bella's Scent unmasked. The vampire next to my own murderer hisses. "You brought us another snack." Edward takes the same attitude Jasper does before Carlisle intervenes. "The girl is with us." 

The haunting red eyes looks at me, before tilting his head. "We will leave now." 

The other male vampire doesn't get the memo though, instead he stays behind staring at Bella before his concentration is broken. "James." Before I know it they are gone. 

Everyone of my own family flutters around. Bella leaving with Edward, and I with Jasper. All I knew, is right when I think things could only get better from here. 

They are about to get worse. 

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