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A/N: I am no longer including my GIFs or quotes before every chapter. I use to write on my iPhone or iPad and I want to convert over to my PC as I invested a lot of money into nice computers for the purpose of my writing. Anyways, enjoy this chapter of Ignotus. Also, remember. When you vote for my chapters it helps me stay motivated to write. Thanks!

I couldn't help to think that everything I had ever known had spiraled downwards. I was thankful, and I knew it was worth it. I met my soulmate, and honestly? I had nothing else lined up to become my big "purpose." I just felt selfish. I left my sister, my father, even myself to become apart of this family of vampires. 

I look at Jasper, he takes one hand off the steering wheel and places it in my lap. He gives me a small smile. "You didn't choose this." He says. I nod my head looking at his pale hand. "Even if I did, I wouldn't take it back. I'm just worried about my family." He nods understandingly. "Carlisle always has a plan." I smile at the thought. His amount of control, his kindness. He is what I strive to be, despite what I am. 

"What is in Italy." I ask him, thinking that I have got to start asking questions and get answers first. "Your eyes are beautiful Sinna." I smile at the compliment but then frown because he was avoiding the question. "Jasper." 

He takes a deep breathe. "We don't have to hide in Volterra, one of the most powerful Covens in the world have made a home of the city. Carlisle thinks it is best to get away for you to adjust and give Charlie some time." I nod, it made sense. 

The humming of the engine soon put me to sleep, all I could think of is how nothing will ever be the same for me, and I guess I was okay with that. 

When I wake up I am in one of the most busiest places I've ever seen in my life. I'd never really been out of La Push, or Forks. I felt like I was experiencing a whole new world. I practically push myself against the glass admiring the large buildings and people. When I hear Jasper chuckle, I look at him smiling. "Where are we going to be staying?" He laughs at me, I notice his facial expressions. Everyone had always described him as looking like he was in pain. I didn't see this in his face, all I had saw in this moment was complete happiness. "We will be staying with some family members, close friends of Edward." He tells me. I couldn't help to think maybe being selfish was just in my cards. 

I was so buys eyeballing the city to realize we were coming to a stop, when I come back down from my curiosity I become in awe of the large house directly in front of me. "So, what do you think?" Jasper asks me. I am sure he can see the beam in my eyes. I get out of his car. "It is beautiful, whose house is this?" Edward joins our conversation. "Her name is Kate, they are out of town for awhile with other friends. She leant myself the key." I smile unsurely. I wonder about the extravagant life Jasper must have lived in before me, which dampens my mood. Edward makes eye contact with me. "I assure you Sinna, no life was extravagant to him as the one where you exist in it." Jasper furrows his eyebrows and grabs my waist. "What's troubling your mind?" I shake my head smiling. I realize that Edward is probably right if I was his soulmate. "Nothing, absolutely nothing." He pecks my lips. "Let me show you to our room." He  saws making way for me to walk inside. 

I awh in beauty of the room, "This is so perfect." I say looking up at the chandelier. "You are perfect." He says kissing my neck and shoulder. Leaving chills to trail down my spine. I turn to face him. "I love you Jasper." I tell him. He looks at me with lust in his eyes. I didn't need a power to know what he was feeling, and I sensed he knew my feelings were very much mutual. His hands trail around my hips lifting my shirt slightly. His cold hands making me jump, but then soothing me to the bed. 

I think to myself that maybe this is my purpose and everything really does happen for a reason. 

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