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"In the end, it was you

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"In the end, it was you. It will always be you darling."
•Sinna Swan•
I wake up, chills running down my spin. I snuggle closer to the body next to me. It chuckles from under me. "I don't think you'll get any warmth from me." Jasper admits. It was true, his skin was always cold. He leans over a bit, pulling a blanket to my body. "Thank you." I say, feeling the warmth. Also opening my eyes. I look up at him and smile. I didn't understand why I was okay with being in a strangers guest bedroom, lying with him. To say the least, and then it dawned on me. I still didn't understand, and I wasn't asking questions. I feel frustration rising in me. I give Jasper another chance. "Why won't you tell me anything? Why are you so secretive?" I plead out. He reaches up, pushes a piece of hair behind my ear. "It's not my secret to tell." I knew saying those words strained him to say.
Never the less, I couldn't take it anymore. I lean up. "Then I am not yours to play mind games with." I decide even in that moment, I'm probably being dramatic. However, I let my frustrations take over. I grab my bag, and dress. Storming out of the Cullen's house. "Sinna, stop this isn't safe!" This fuels my frustration. "He won't tell me anything! So as far as I'm concerned. It does not matter." Before I could get in my car. I was,once again. Pulled on. This time. Flying through the air. Screaming.
"Jasper! No! You cannot be on the treaty line. They will think you did it. We all will be killed." Carlisle says furiously. I watch as Jasper thrashes in his family's grip. They just stood there, watching me be taken. A tear slipped from my eye.
"They may not tell you anything, but you will find out soon my dear." The face who took me assures. "I will make it quick." The face grows fangs and plunges into my skin. I cry out as my body starts burning, until I cannot see anymore.

When I wake up, the burning sensation fills my throat. Making it dry. I hear the ticking of a clock, throwing my pillow against it. The clock falls to the ground. Alarming me. In an instant. Jasper is by my side. I look at him in furry. "YOU JUST LEFT-" I was cut off, by his golden eyes. Like I always had been. I search for emotion. As my impatience grew. Lust, an emotion I'd never felt grows in me. I put my hands on the back of his neck. Making him shiver. I lean in, placing my lips on his. He puts one hand on my waist. The other on my check. Pushing me against a wall. I deepen the kiss. Which causes him to pull back. I am astonished with myself. "I am so, so, sorry Jasper." He smiles, shaking his head. "Don't be darling. I've been waiting for you. For centuries." I tilt my head, confused. "Would you like your answers now?" I roll my eyes that he had even asked. I meet his family, In the kitchen where I'd first met them. "My family and I. Now yourself. Is a vampire." I interrupt him. "That thing- is a vampire?!" He nods. "Sinna, he killed you. The public thinks you are dead." I stand speechless. "Is this why I feel so hungry?" I say, below a whisper. Carlisle nods. "I've gotten you this, to hold you over. Jasper will teach you a proper hunt however." He elaborates more, holding Esme's waist. As on cue, Jasper wraps his arms around my own. A mocking feel I'd had for Jasper hits my stomach as I look at the warm liquid in the cup. I take a few sips. I look around the room. "Jasper, can I ask you a question.. Without everyone else?" His eyes sparkle a bit. "Why do you feel those emotions towards me?" I spin around on my heel. Probably blushing furiously. "Or think about him the way you do?" Edward mutters. I whip my head in the direction of him glaring. Which quickly turns into realization. "You can, feel what I'm feeling and read my thoughts..?" I trail. Still facing Jasper, Carlisle speaks. "Each one of us, has a gift." I look up at him in awh. "Each one of us will also have a soulmate." Jasper expands. I gasp. "Am I, Jasper. Am I yours?" He gently grabs my chin. His finger tips now feeling like warmth to me. He looks into my eyes. "Tell me Sinna, am I yours?" A feeling of lust, and love. Warmth and Protection washes over my body. I smile at him. "Yes Jasper, yeah. You are." He smiles nodding before placing a light kiss on my lips. His forehead against mine as he pulls away. "You are my forever, Ms. Swan."
Alice claps. "This, calls for a party." Her cheery voice insists as I shake my head in an uncomfortable disagreement.

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