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I hear shuffling around the room. Voices that weren't familiar to those I've learned to be my family. I try to open my eyes. I couldn't. I could however feel my fingers twitch. "Go get the Cullens." I hear a rather interesting voice say. "You are very special and dangerous aren't you?" I feel warmth on my cheek. It was a tear being wiped away from the strangers in the room. I missed Jasper, it felt like ages. I start to wonder if it might have simply been a couple days. 

"Why have you brought us back here, can't you see the pain put upon my family?" This is a voice I recognized. It was Carlisle. I panic. Trying to move any part of my body that I possibly could. "She is responding. She knows we are here." Edward says. Edward! He is alive, which must mean Bella is as well. I wanted to know about my baby, and Jasper. "Althea is okay, she's healthy.. and beautiful." My body relaxes, only a little bit. Why isn't Jasper here? Edward doesn't respond. Is he, gone.. I think, giving up on waking up suddenly. No response again, I feel a small hand entwine with mine. "Jasper is alive Sinna, but he doesn't hunt or come out of his room. He won't live a good life if you aren't in it." Bella. She answered my question with softness. "Wake up Sinna. Please, just wake up." One more tear streams down my eye before my chest fills with air of bravery. My eyes flutter, the blurred vision of Alice and Bella is all I see before the light is too much. 

"They haven't given her blood, they've been treating her as a human. I think she needs to feed the vampire side of herself Carlisle." My heart skips a beat, I didn't want too, but anything to see Jasper again. 

"Administer an IV of animal blood ONLY, immediately." I hear Carlisle say before their footsteps trail out the door. 

This had to work, I couldn't go a day longer without Jasper. 

The next morning

"She is not awake." A very bitter voice of gold says entering the room. "There is no point." I reach out, for the first time. I know my hand lifts off the bed, shaking. "Jasper, look." Alice says quickly. In split seconds, my hand is supported and electricity shot through me. Like energy running through my veins. "Sinna? Sinna, can you hear me?" I give a light squeeze to his cold hand. "Excuse me, I am just going to change her blood, um IV." A woman, who I assume is a nurse to the Volturi says. Jasper moves, but only a few inches. I didn't want him to leave. 

So with all my strength, I open my eyes. This time, I am determined to keep them open for good. "Sinna." He whispers, but in his arm that wasn't grasping my own was a small, blue eyed vampire baby. He follows my eyes and gives a weak smile. "This is Althea Cullen." He tells me. I muster a tiny smile and mouth 'beautiful' to him. 

"I didn't know how to be without you." He tells me, his voice small. I reach up and touch his cheek. I couldn't say anything, not if I wanted to save my strength. 

All I could think back to him was  "Maybe you won't have too." 

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