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"I can, I can read.. I don't know whose mind it is." was the very last words before I fell into a state of sleep. 

I flutter my eyes and look over to the side of the bed I was lying in. "Sinna.." Jasper says, I couldn't pick up the emotion set in his voice. He looks at me with a look I have never seen before. "Carlsile has to run some tests but Edward thinks there might be, um. A fetus." 

I stare at Jasper, trying to make sure I understood him correctly. "A what?" He grabs my hand. "We could have a child growing, right now." 

I try to stand up, Jasper holding onto my shoulders for support. I give him a week smile, and we slowly make our way down the long hall way. Edward looked restless, but I knew it wasn't due to  my possible pregnancy. I give him a nod. Telling him I understood and I was okay with it. 

I meet his eyes though, and a question arises in me. "Can you make out, you know. Any of the words?" Edward stays silent. 

He shakes his head. "It's silence, but I am sure. I can sense it. There is a second mind there." 

Carlisle walks around the corner. "Let's see for sure. The Voltori was kind enough to set up a private room. Jasper. Sinna." We follow him to the tiny room with no windows. Just a simple bed, and a TV. 

"Please, pull up your shirt. Relax and be comfortable."  Carlisle tries to calm me. I take a deep breath in as his cold fingers touch my stomach. 

"Jasper, I need you to feel comfortable with the ultrasound, I can only do my best." He assures his son also. Jasper shifts a little bit but agrees. 

I am slipping my appropriate clothing back on, and my nonexistent but oddly present heartbeat pounds against my chest. 

I watch Carlisle as he looks carefully at the photos on the screen above me. Jasper rubs my arm. "I love you, no matter what Sinna." I bury myself farther inside his chest. Carlisle sucks in air. "Do you see this?" He points at the screen. I nod. "I believe that is the fetus Edward in sensing." My world freezes around me. "It's very, very premature. Barely a heart beat. It is remarkable that Edward even caught on." 

I turn my body to Jasper. How voice cracks. "May we have a moment?" He asks his father. Carlisle doesn't say anything. He just opens the door and shuts it gently. 

"I'm sorry Sinna, we knew what your gift was. We should have been more careful." 

I shake my head. "No, it's okay. I knew. We both did. I just never thought it would be a reality. What are the odds. You know?" 

"Carlisle said that the fetus is very premature. Edward can't even make out words yet.." His voice trails. I knew what he was hinting at. He seemed to be choking on the words before they even left his mouth. 

I shake my head. "I couldn't do it, I don't want to do it. We have to figure this out Jasp.? He stares at me. "Then that is what we will do." I nod. "How am I going to tell my dad? Bella, she won't take this well at all.." He kisses me. 

"What was that for?" He smiles, "All that matters is us." 

a/n: This was so much fun to write! We are reaching the end of this book I think, I have TONS more to this storyline though, so if you are wanting a second book please let me know by voting and commenting! 

(I am hoping to give anywhere from 5-7 more chapters!) 

Thanks for reading. 

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