Startling Revelations

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is relatively long (26.8 pages/ 9,065 words) with much significance to the plot, so please take breaks if needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

It didn't take long for you and Pidge to arrive at the control room, and when you did, you cleared your mind of all nagging thoughts. Your head had been spinning ever since you found out about Lance and Akira's situation, and memories of your morning with Keith kept resurfacing. But this wasn't any time for that, you had to focus on your powers. No other Altean might have your sensing abilities, this could be huge!

But all the same, there were no physical evidence of your abilities; the emotional sensation may not add up to much, especially since there was no physical evidence of your powers. You'd just have to wait and see, and that prospect sent a jolt of excitement through your system. As the others entered you greeted them with a glimmer of a smile, eager to begin the discussion. Allura walked into the room followed by Shiro, Coran, and Hunk. But the red paladin was nowhere to seen.

"So, I take it Lance won't be joining us" you remarked lowly, your grin falling for a moment as your heart sunk, recalling how much pain and anguish that he must be experiencing. Hunk shook his head sadly in response before replying.

"I talked to him about it, but he said he didn't wanna come because he wasn't in the mood or something like that." Uneasy glances were shared across the room at the mention of him, but no one seemed to want to dwell on the matter any further.

"Alright then, shall we begin?" Allura spoke up, her regal tone one of importance as she glanced at you. You quickly nodded, ready to get to the bottom of the whole situation surrounding your abilities.

"(Y/n), when we were on Naxzela, you said you were able to sense Haggar's dark magic, am I correct?" Pidge inquired, making your gaze fall upon her.

"Yeah, I was able to do that" you answered plainly, sheepishly scratching the back of your neck as you felt all eyes fall on you.

"How were you able to gain such abilities?" Coran wondered aloud, raising an inquisitive eyebrow your way.

"Well the way that Haggar took control of Naxzela seems to be quite similar to the way she took control of (Y/n), so my guess is that your powers have some connection to what Haggar did to you" Pidge stated, making you hold your chin as you pondered her words. That was a major event, so it made sense for it to have such an impact. But that statement seemed to leave more questions than answers. How exactly did Haggar's actions lead to your powers?

"So, she got it from the mind control?" Hunk asked, as if he too was unsatisfied with that answer.

"It's the only reasonable lead, but I can't be certain of how exactly Haggar's mind control led to the development of (Y/n)'s powers until I learn more about them" Pidge replied, the uncertainty in her wavering tone mirroring the atmosphere of the room. "Speaking of which, how did they work (Y/n)?"

"I'm not for sure how to describe it exactly" you admitted, trying your best to piece together an explanation. Their lack of physical traces made your abilities particularly difficult to describe. "I just started feeling felt this eerily familiar dark sensation when that quake happened, and later when I saw Haggar's magic at work in the core I put two and two together and realized where and when I had felt energy like that before."

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