Flustered (Keith's POV)

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The five of us had chased Rolo's ship in our lions, but he just flew into the asteroid field which was currently ahead of us. Pidge and Hunk seemed pretty worried, but I was feeling pretty confident about the situation. I wasn't considered the "most talented pilot" at the galaxy garrison for nothing.

Well technically I wasn't the only one with such a title. (Y/n)'s piloting skills were as good as mine and they still were. Even though I hated to admit it, (Y/n) was a better pilot than me. She could pull off all the maneuvers that I couldn't, both in the simulators at the Garrison and in our lions.

"Keith, (Y/n), you are the only two who could possibly fly though this" Shiro commanded, jostling me out of my thoughts about (Y/n) and her flying skills. "Get in there and flush them out. Make sure to not turn this into a competition you two. Focus on getting the blue lion back. We need you."

"You got it" I responded, trying to keep my voice confident as my heart started to race and I started to sweat. Why was I so nervous?

"See you on the other side" (Y/n) added on merrily. I closed my eyes and counted to ten to calm myself down, I couldn't appear nervous around (Y/n). She was my rival, so I had to keep my guard up. I muted my helmet and opened a transmission to her.

"You ready (Y/n)?" I taunted her, a small smirk coming to my face. Then, a huge silver blur raced past me. I could barely spot the silver lion as it zigzagged through the boulders ahead of me, it was just a sliver blur. I felt my heart race faster and my smirk grew into a smile. What the heck was happening to me? I increased my speed so I could catch up to her.

"I thought we weren't supposed to make this a competition" I continued.

"I'm not making this into a competition" she fired back. "I was just trying to get you to shut up so we can focus on the mission!"

I stayed silent in response. Even though I didn't want to admit it, (Y/n) was right about the mission. I reminded myself of why we were chasing Rolo's ship.

Lance was stupid enough to get his lion captured. He was decently smart at times, but he always lost all common sense around girls he considered "pretty". Nyma wasn't even that beautiful, she didn't have (Y/n)'s-

What the heck! Why was I even thinking about how beautiful (Y/n) was! Not that she was cute or anything.

I tried to clear my mind once more. Why the heck was I thinking about (Y/n) so much? It couldn't be because I care for her.

I can't care about y/n! It would be so wrong on so many levels. I quickly reminded myself of all the reasons why I couldn't care: our rivalry since elementary school, her past relationship with Griffin, and the incident. After that train of thought was ended, I could focus on the mission once more.

Rolo's ship was now right in front of us. We flew right in front of it so we could chase it back to the others. The small ship immediately turned around so it's back was facing us. It started shooting purple laser beams our way. I doged the shots and then (Y/n) started shooting at the ship. The ship doged, but (Y/n) still shot her blue laser beam forwards. A small smile came to my face as I realized that she was trapping him. I shot my own laser beam towards the other side of the ship to complete the trap. The ship was now forced to fly in the middle, it couldn't doged our next attack.

I selected the jaw blade on my holographic screen, and it appeared in the mouth of my lion. It was silver with a red handle and black details. I aimed and then threw my jaw blade at the ships laser guns. My smile widened as they fizzled with electricity before exploding in small plumes of fire and smoke. My blade came back to me like a boomerang and (Y/n) used her laser beam to take out the engine on the back. The ship started to smoke and tumble in the air as the power got knocked out.

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