Goodbye Princess

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is a longer one (21.2 pages/7,364 words) so please take breaks if needed, it's quite a bit at once.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Start training level seven" you said as you brought out your bayard, holding it in a defensive position in front of you. Once the gladiator emerged you took a sideways stance, making yourself a smaller target which was a trick you had learned from Keith. You began parring its attacks as it charged towards you, waiting for window of opportunity to attack.

You were able to hold your own against it in this battle, something you surely wouldn't have been able to do six months ago. Back then you were broken and weak, it felt like you were at your lowest after a certain tragic series of events. But since then you have risen up in more ways than one.

And as you recalled that you slid to the floor under its sword, dodging its attack. It swiped at your side as you got back up, but you put your sword in the way just in time, deflecting its attack and pushing it backwards.

While you began to go on the offensive the last time you were stricken down to that level came to mind. After you saw James get tortured right in front of your very own eyes, something that caused you to fear for your life, you were all alone in the end. But you weren't this time, you had the support and love of your team.

They were always there for you during these last couple of months, ready to listen, console, and distract you. Their assistance had made you feel waves better. With their guidance you've come to realize that truly you weren't to blame for any of it, not for getting captured, hurting the team, and certainly not for almost delivering voltron to the Galra.

Through that your team had helped you reclaim your dignity and confidence after Haggar violated you. They've even used other methods to help such as teaching you new skills. Allura taught you etiquette lessons while you trained with Keith and Shiro. Hunk gave you culinary lessons while Pidge and Coran gave you ones on technology, Altean coding in particular.

Even Lance helped in this way, (re)teaching you how to use a blaster. Not only did these experiences help you grow closer with your team, but they also helped you gain a sense of confidence and newfound respect for yourself.

And now you've gotten over everything that happened that day, and in the process you've finally overcame the incident completely. As that powerful thought crossed your mind you sliced through the gladiator, letting out a battle cry as you finished it off.

You couldn't help but smirk to yourself as you deactivated your bayard and left the room. You just felt so confident about defeating that gladiator, marveling on how much you've improved since your world had been turned upside down.

You were much stronger now and your reflexes had become sharper, but more than that You've become a better person on the whole. Heck, you had faced one of your greatest fears and survived, you could even say that you were thriving! That alone was due cause for celebration.

Once you arrived at your room you set your bayard down on the dresser. Sliding on Keith's red jacket, you headed over to the bathroom to redo your hair. After you took the red bandana out of your hair you quickly combed through it, and then retied the cloth that you've grown to wear with pride.

As you glanced at your reflection in the mirror you noted both the silverly white streak in your hair and the deep slightly curved purple scar on your neck. They too were reminders of everything you've been through and overcome, ways to own your past.

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