I Care For Her A lot, Don't I? (Keith's POV)

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Allura and I were running back inside the castle, about to take down Sendak and prevent him from taking voltron. That was the only thing on my mind, until I saw a chilling sight on the floor.

My heart stopped for a second. (Y/n) was knocked out on the ground before me, her arms and legs splayed in all directions.

I instantly got on my knees. I reached down towards her and gently slid her helmet off her face. She had dark purple, vein like marks over her face. My eyes widened in fear and I felt my body tremble like a leaf as I sat beside her limp form.

Could she possibly be dying? I put my hand over her chest plate, and I felt her faint heart beat. I felt a shiver up my spine and I started to shake violently. My chest started screaming in pain as I heard her raspy breathing become worse and worse. Each strangled breath sounded like nails on a chalkboard, causing my ears to ring in agony.

"No no no no! (Y/n)!" I cried. I picked up her limp figure and hugged her tightly. Could I really be loosing her?

I had known her for years as my rival. She was an annoyance, she alway got me into trouble at the garrison. She was always so righteous and stubborn. To make matters worse, she was best friends with my bully James. So why was I caring about her so much? I should hate her!

However, I just couldn't bring myself to do so as I briefly ended the hug to slice off her handcuffs and shackles. Without thinking, I hugged her once more and held her hand in mine, squeezing it tightly.

"(Y/n)! Please! I know you're strong. Please be strong for me! Please stay alive! (Y/n), I-I.."

A lump was stuck in my throat and tears began cascading down my face. Why was I so upset over my rival?

I imagined how it would feel like to loose her. Her witty remarks that fired me up and made me feel strange, the brave girl from the incident. Her stubbornness and persistence. Her selflessness when she ended her friendship with James because of his treatment of me. Her righteousness and desire to do the right thing. My heart felt as if it was ripping in half as I athought about everything I would lose. Her smiles, smirks, laughter, the way her (h/c) flew in the wind, her sparkling (e/c) eyes.

I really care for her a lot, don't I?

Then, I realized that I don't deserve to feel this way about her. I let go of her hand and I stopped hugging her, instead letting her head rest in my lap as I sat beside her. How could I when I already caused her the same amount of pain she was experiencing now, if not more on that evil day, a bit over a year ago. The day when I made the single worst mistake of my life.

On that day, I pushed (Y/n) to her breaking point. I'll never be able to forget the fear and terror in her eyes as she watched. Her voice telling me to stop fills my nightmares as much as mine probably fills hers. I was a monster, and I still am for what I did to both her and James. My other fist clenched in self-hate and my blood started to boil.

It should have been me. I deserve to be tortured for what I have done, not her! She didn't deserve any of this! I should have stayed behind and took the torture.

Then, the castles lights flickered back on and the purple glows receded. I felt a huge weight be lifted of my chest and my body started to relax. (Y/n) was going to be alright. I could take her to the infirmary now. Then, a new sense of worry filled me when I realized something.

This could happen again, and (Y/n) may not survive next time. Well not if I have anything to say about it!

Right then and there, I made a promise to myself and her.

"You won't be hurt like this ever again." I said firmly in a low voice. "I swear it on my life".

Sendak did this to her. He tortured her and caused her to be in this level of pain! He is responsible for all of this! He almost killed her! My hatred for myself soon became an overwhelming feeling of rage towards Sendak. I clenched my teeth in anger, he's going to regret this someday!

Then, I heard Shiro clear his throat. I turned around to see him hovering over the both of us.

"I-I should take her to the infirmary" I stammered, picking her up and slinging her arm over my shoulder. I had one arm below her back and one under her knees.
"No Keith, I got (y/n). Shiro replied firmly, taking her from me. I heard her breathing settle down and her eyelids started to flutter open.

Oh no, she can't see me like this! I panicked internally and tiptoed to the others as Shiro carried (y/n) to the infirmary. She's my rival, so I shouldn't be worrying about her! Even if I did care about her, which I don't, I do not deserve to because of my past.

Besides, she would never care about me, so we'll always be rivals. That thought brought a small smile to my face as I quite enjoyed being her rival. I loved competing with her and arguing with her. If I wanted that to continue, I should act like nothing ever happened.

Then, I felt a small, glass device under my feet. I stepped off of it, being careful not to break it. It was a empty needle, with leftover purple splotches still inside. So this is why (y/n) appeared dead! Those bastards tranquilized her or something with this after torturing her!

I picked it up, careful to not touch the needle. I then continued walking to the control room, where everyone else was located.

"Hey guys, I found this right by (y/n). I informed them. "Could you help me figure out what was inside?"

"Sure!" Coran responded.
While he and Pidge were busy with that, and Shiro and Allura came back, I spoke up.

"Hey everyone, could you please not mention what happened with me and (y/n) to her?" I pleaded. I decided I should probably explain my actions so they don't become suspicious. "I wasn't thinking logically and I wasn't myself".

"Sure, your secret is safe with us." Allura responded. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"This seems to be some sort of tranquilizer" Coran said, staring at it while it was being suspended in a tall, clear tube. "It slows down the heartbeat and makes the victim appear dead overall. It's main purpose is to make sure that the victim has no memories of events that occurred until its effects wear off. Other than that, it's completely harmless."

"Why would they use it on her?" I asked him, my eyebrows furrowing.

"They most likely did it so (y/n) wouldn't be able to remember any conversations that they had next" Pidge explained. "The appearing dead part was also most likely used so that its effects would distract us from fighting Sendak."

"Ok, thank you" I responded quickly before I left the room. I headed down towards the training deck, I needed to train if I was going to get revenge on Sendak some day for what he did to (Y/n).

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