The Crystal Court

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Hello, Jess here!

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this chapter let me know, I'd like to hear from you :)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter

You walked towards the pod and saw the cover fade away, revealing Keith sitting in the pilots seat. He was staring off into the distance, which was pretty usual for him.

"Hey why do you get to pilot?" you asked him, irritatied. It made no sense because you beat his simulator scores on multiple occasions. You were far better than him and he still got to pilot.

"I got here first. Plus I'm the better pilot" he responded smugly.

"Since when were you the better pilot?" you sassed him. "As I remember, My simulator scores were higher than yours on several occasions."

Keith didn't respond, he just turned his head away from you. In response you jumped up to the passengers seat. You sighed and rolled your eyes before you continued,

"If you want to be like that then fine, I get the detector." As you grabbed the white detector, Keith turned on the engine and the pod rose up. You almost fell out of your seat.

"Keith!" you yelled at him. He gave you a smirk in response.

You huffed in annoyance. You put your restraints on quickly as the pod was exiting the Bay Area and leaving the castle.

You had never flown with Keith before, you had only seen his simulator scores. Even though you didn't want to admit it, you were impressed with his piloting. There were no bumps like when you rode with Lance earlier.

You saw the hilly landscape race past you in seconds. You cutted through the wispy clouds and the sky faded away to reveal the darkness of space. It was only black for a second before you saw the familiar swirl of a wormhole.

"Ok the wormhole will only last a few of your earth hours so be quick" Allura said warning you.

"If you get stuck however, the planet could be a nice place to spend the rest of your life" Coran added on, smiling. To you however, this was no smiling matter.

"No way!" You responded, moving away from Keith as much as you possibly could in your seat. You definitely weren't spending the rest of your life on an alien planet and you were certainly not spending the rest of your life with Keith. The idea of it made you gag. You would rather spend your time cleaning out the garrison than be around that boy.

You landed on a brownish orangish looking planet. It looked much like the surface of Mars with no life forms for miles. Even though it looked empty and desolate, you saw some buildings nearby. They were barely hanging together, they looked like they got hit by a tornado or something. Something horrible must have happened to this place and the life forms living here.

You jumped out of the pod, a small dust cloud forming at your feet. You went over to one of the buildings and peered inside, wondering if some life forms were still there. Keith interrupted your thoughts by asking

"Hey, why were you in the med bay?" That was none of his business. You turned around to face Keith, crossed your arms and responded,

"Well why were you? What were you trying to steal?"

"Wait steal? I didn't steal anything" He responded defensively, surprised by your accusation. He continued, "remember I said that my research led me to believe that there was some arrival coming to the area that night. I went there because of that and ended up saving Shiro."

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