Here's Your Reason

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is my longest one yet(42.4 pages/ 14,690 words) so please take breaks as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The hallway you were in was dark, but you could still recognize it as one of the garrison's. You weren't really paying much attention to your surroundings, you were just trying to stay ahead of whoever was chasing you. Your chest was burning in pain, your breathing was raspy, and your legs felt like sticks of lead, but you couldn't stop. You didn't want to think about what would happen if your peruser caught up with you.

Your pupils constricted in fear and your heart started to trash violently in your chest as you attacker roughly grabbed you by the shoulders and shoved you against the wall. Your shoulders, back, and head seared in pain and you narrowed your eyes at your attacker.

All of your anger was replaced with fear and confusion when you saw who was attacking you. You started to wimper and tremble while tears were forming at the corners of your eyes. It was James. He had an evil glint in his eye as he stared at you and there was a wide, devilish smirk plastered on his face. Just that smirk alone sent shivers up your spine.

To make matters worse, your mind was racing as well. What the hell was going on here?! You and James weren't friends anymore, but you never thought he'd do something like this to you before.

"James, what are you doing?" you gasped, your voice high pitched and shaky. James didn't say anything in response, he just brought out a blade. The same one from the incident! When you saw him bring it closer to your neck, Tears started cascading down your face and you began shaking violently.

"Getting revenge on you for cutting me off and abandoning me during the incident!" James snarled.

"But... But James..." you stammered, trying to reason with him. But then James cut you off, literally. You screamed as his cold blade grazed your neck, which burned like white hot fire. James didn't stop, he just scraped you again and again. You felt blood drip down your neck. Your throat was starting to burn from all of the screaming. The pain was becoming too much to bear, you felt yourself begin to lose consciousness.

The next thing you knew, you were gasping for breath while laying down in your bed. How did you get here? Was what just happened with James real? Immediately you reached for your neck to see if there was any blood. Your hands didn't fell wet when they rubbed your neck, so you knew there was no blood. That must have been a nightmare.

Even though it was just a nightmare, you were still broken because of it. Your heart was shattered into a million pieces because you just saw your best friend of several years torture you. You couldn't get his evil smirk and sneering voice out of your head. Everything about that nightmare, to the fear from being chased from the white hot searing pain felt very real.

Your mind was racing and your heart was racing as well. Your whole body felt warm, but it wasn't the comforting type. You tried to catch your breath, but it was so ragged and every breath felt like fire when you inhaled it. All the while, you were trembling violently and tears and snot were cascading down your face. You were crying so hard that your head was pounding and your eyes hurt, you could barely keep them open.

You tried to stiffe your tears when you saw that Keith was staring at you with a concerned expression from his bed on the floor. You must have woke him up. Gosh, you were an idiot!

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