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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is shorter than my last few (17.8 pages/6,174 words) but please take breaks if needed. (I was going to combine it with the next but that last chapter took a lot out of me)

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As soon as you regained consciousness, you heard a low hum as the aqua glass in front of you faded away. A wave of nausea crashed down on you as you toppled over, but then a pair of trembling, strong arms wrapped around you, catching you in a warm embrace.

His grip on you was so tight that it took the breath out of your lungs. It was desperate, as if he was afraid of losing you, as if you could disappear if he let go. You didn't need to open your eyes to know who it was but you did anyway, a softness in your somber, slightly pained gaze as you looked at him.

His appearance was a bit disheveled, his hair was a mess and he had deep bags under his eyes. But none of that mattered at the moment as you continued to make eye contact with him.

His gaze mirrored yours, but there was a glimmer of desperation and joy in his eyes as a whisper of a grin spread across his face, as if this was too good to be true. As if it was a miracle, which it was. Your head was throbbing and you felt strange, but none of that seemed to matter as you rested in his embrace, taking it all in.

Realizing that you were safe and with him, those thoughts bringing subtle feelings of peace and serenity. But they did little to quell the strange aching in your heart, knowing that something truly awful had occurred.

"(Y/n), I-I" he stuttered, his voice cracking as his heart thrashed against you, struggling to speak. Before he had a chance to continue the rest of the team burst into the room, causing him to reluctantly pull away from you. Their large eyes were overflowing with delight as they saw you, grinning from ear to ear.

"(Y/n)!" they shouted in unison, charging towards you.

"Your'e alive!" Hunk exclaimed, tears of joy running down his face as he quickly hugged you tightly, causing you flinch since it was so sudden. "Oh my gosh.. We were worried for you so much."

"Hunk, let the poor girl breathe" Allura chided, a hint of playfulness in her usual calm voice.

"Oh heh, sorry (Y/n)" he sheepishly stammered, averting your gaze as he quickly pulled away from you. "It's just that I was really worried about you"

"We all were " Pidge added on kindly. You mustered a small smile in response as you turned to face all of them, your heart warming slightly.

"Especially Keith" lance teased coolly, his grin morphing into a smirk. "From what I know.."

"Lance!" Keith scolded, a faint blush spreading across his face as he glared at the blue paladin, who's expression became even more cocky in response. You raised an eyebrow at the pair but shrugged it off, it probably didn't matter anyways.

"So do you remember anything?" Pidge asked, her gentle tone turning inquisitive.

"Not really" you admitted lowly, letting out a sad sigh. "Besides-"

"Wait what?" Lance exclaimed, his voice so loud that he startled you. You became even more confused as you saw how stunned everyone was.

"You took down the castle's particle barrier, sliced your way into the castle, attacked all of us, almost delivered voltron to the Galra and you're saying you don't remember any of that?" Hunk quickly rambled, his tone becoming even more louder and jittery with every word. This caused you to freeze in shock, the news striking you like a blow to the chest.

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