Aim It At Him

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You swiped your sword at the air, leaving a hazy sliver glow in its path in the dark hallway. A sliver aura surrounded your (d/h). It trailed up your arm and down your thigh, fading away into the dark more and more the farther it was from the sword.

You swiped at a wall and electric arcs raced along the surface, leaving two dark gashes. You heard the metal in the wall char and sizzle. You put your hand up to them and they still felt warm to the touch.

You decided you needed some sort of target practice. You scorched a rough bullseye into the wall. Then you stepped back a couple of feet and threw your bayard into the wall. You heard the metal portion of it clang against the metal on the wall. It had sunk into the bullseye.

"Nice job" echoed a fimiliar voice. You turned around to see James smirking at you. This didn't seem like his usual smirk though, something was off. He was looking much more sinister and evil. Then you saw Keith walking through the hallway.

"Next time, aim it at him" he instructed, putting an ice cold hand on your shoulder. He gestured to Keith who had his back turned.

"No, I can't do that" you said, shaking your head. You may not like Keith exactly, but you would never seriously injure or kill him. You hated the idea of doing that to anyone. You would only do something like that in extreme situations such as self defense or defending someone else. Even then you would still do such a thing with a heavy heart.

"And why not?" He asked you, bringing his face only inches from yours. "He's your rival. You hate him. Don't you remember what he did to me?"

"Fine, have it your way." he said. Then he kissed you roughly without your consent, leaving you shocked and speechless. You felt your body freeze up and your eyes started to water. That hurt more than anything you had experienced before. You thought James actually cared for you, but he was acting so cold hearted that Keith paled in comparison. James nodded at you, as if he was proud of his effect on you. Then he took the bayard from the wall and it turned into a even more deadly silver dagger. His voice got deeper as he took an even more menacing tone that sent shivers down your spine.
"I'll do it myself!" he yelled, starting to charge towards Keith.

"Keith!" you shouted, trying to warn him about James.

Then you woke up in a pool of sweat.

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