Whatever It Takes

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is much longer than the last few (26.5 pages/ 9,338 words) so please take breaks if needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Your stomach was churning with anxiety and your heart felt heavy as you walked through the castle's empty halls, but your feelings and worries subsided for a moment when you saw someone approach you. It was Keith. He was trying to hide it, but you could tell by the way that he was slouched over that he was as troubled as you were at the moment, if not more.

"Oh hey Keith" you said gently, trying your best to stay strong for him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go look for Shiro" he replied, raising his head to glance at the wall, continuing to avert your gaze. Your heart slightly ached when you realized that he didn't want to talk about it, but you just pushed that feeling away. He probably just needed some time alone and you wished to respect that.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later then" you responded while giving him a faint, sheepish smile, which faded away immediately as he turned the corner and left. You left out a deep, sad sigh as you began to head towards the control room, feeling too distressed at the moment to head to your room and sleep.

When you arrived there, your heart panged with concern as you saw Allura sitting down at her station, her head hunched over. She was probably really upset about everything that had happened in that alternate reality as well as with the comet. And you didn't blame her, if you were in her shoes you'd probably feel the same way.

"Hey Allura" you said kindly as you walked over and sat besides her. "Look, I know things didn't really work out with that whole comet situation and those Altean's in that alternate reality, but please don't beat yourself up over it. You turned things around in the end and did the right thing, you couldn't let Hira get that comet."

"But now Lotor has it" Allura stated bitterly, her eyes filled with remorse as she glanced at you and then shifted her gaze back to the floor.

"But that isn't your fault, you couldn't have known about his plans" you replied, your tone becoming even gentler as you tried your best to console her. "We'll get it back from him Allura." As you said that last line your voice became more firm and determined since you were also attempting to convince yourself.

"But what if we don't?" She countered lowly, a hint of venom in her voice as it began to quiver slightly. "Lotor is always one step ahead of us. He has a plan for that ore, and if he succeeds the Galra will finally have a weapon as power as voltron." Your heart sunk even lower when you heard her words, she was right.

To make matters worse, you began to feel awkward since you didn't know how to respond to that nor how to make her feel better. All you could do was sit in silence as the helplessness of your situation was sinking in.

Then suddenly a transmission from Keith appeared on the large screen ahead. He had a wide grin on his face and his eyes were larger than you've ever seen.

"Allura, (Y/n)!" He called out, so amazed that his voice was almost a whisper. "Tell the others, I've found Shiro!" This completely shook you out of your trance, filling you with glee as you froze in shock.

"Wait, really?" you exclaimed, thinking this was too good to be true.

"That's amazing!" Allura remarked, her eyes lighting up as a smile that mirrored yours appeared on her face. It seemed like she too had completely forgot about her worries and troubles from before.

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