The Powers Conference

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is around the same length as the last few (25.1 pages/8,422 words). And things may go up a few notches closer to the end (so if you're easily flustered, fair warning!). As always, please take breaks as needed!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The halls were anything but quiet as you exited your room, wearing your armor and a confident grin. There was such a buzz in the air that It was hard not to smile. All the lively conversation and all the hustle and bustle as everyone scurried to and fro, finishing up preparations for the conference outside, filled the atmosphere with such an optimistic energy.

It was like everyone knew in their hearts that this was going to work out, they had all put so much time and energy into making sure of it. And so had you; all your countless hours of training were finally going to pay off today! Your entire team believed in you, and you weren't about to let any of them down.

Your light jog morphed into a sprint as you saw Keith, running straight into his open arms. As soon as you were engulfed in his warm embrace, all the surrounding noise felt miles away. It was like you were in the eye of the storm, your heart rate slowing to a crawl as you nestled your head in the crook of his neck, his chin resting atop your head. After a few moments, he pulled away enough to pick up a vial at his feet.

"Happy anniversary (Y/n)" he professed, smiling fondly as he handed it over.

"Quintessence?" you quipped, your grin cocking to one side as you hugged the vial to your fluttering chest. "Aww Keith you shouldn't have." But teasing aside, you leaned forward enough to meet his lips in a soft, swift kiss, thanking him for all his love and support. Even if he just dug through the Galra's waste piles, that was still quite a bit of effort he had put into getting the quintessence for you.

"You'll do great out there (Y/n)" he encouraged warmly as his hands traveled from your face to the sides of your arms, holding you one last time. "I'll be watching. I can't wait to see what you can do."

"I know, thank you" you acknowledged in the same tune, his words filling you with a burst of vigor as you turned on your heel, further empowering you for the mission ahead.

"I'll see you at the courthouse afterwards then" he called out, earning a nod before you ventured towards the nearest exit. As soon as you left the ship, your eyes instantly darted towards all the other alien spacecraft that had docked on the copper planet's surface. They brightened up the dull location with their exotic colors and sleek designs, many of which you haven't seen the likes of before.

These were the best of the best, the vehicles of the coalitions most powerful and elite, each one more imposing and extravagant than the last. As the meeting point drew closer and closer, it became clear that many of them were trying to out-do each other in appearance as well. Many flaunted elaborate robes, capes, and sets of gleaming armor. Even Kolivan looked more intimidating than usual with his ceremonial attire.

They all seemed to be taking this event quite seriously, after all, it wasn't common for the top powers of the coalition to all be in the same place like this. In fact, this was the very first time that many of them were even seeing each other face-to-face, so it made sense for them to put their best foot forward as to properly represent their people.

Once you arrived, Shiro and Allura wordlessly came to your side. As the three of you made your appearance, all their social circles dispersed, taking your entrance as a cue to find their seats. In a way, the arrangement wasn't all that different from the lecture halls at the Garrison. The tables were in a somewhat curved formation, with a row behind at a higher elevation. A couple of platters were spotted here and there; Hunk wasn't the only one who had decided to show off his culinary expertise.

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