A Leap of Faith

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Hello everyone, Jess here!

This chapter is considerably shorter (15.2 pages/ 5,385 words). But still be sure to take breaks as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Back off Lance" Keith ordered, the sharpness of his voice rivaling that of the sword he was brandishing in the air. Keith freaking Kogane of all people had just charged to the forefront of this battlefield without a second thought, shielding me from the rest of his team. A dull ringing rattled my eardrums as all my limbs locked into place, everyone else's mouths still drooping towards the floor as they surrounded me in the control room.

"What's going on Keith?" Hunk sputtered, throwing his arms out. Pidge took a step closer in kind, hazel eyes narrowing.

"Yeah, why are you defending him?"

"Because if it wasn't for him, I'd be dead right now" Keith fired back, sending another shockwave that had everyone reeling.

"What do you mean?" Coran quavered.

"I'll show you." After exchanging his sword for a shield on his other hand to defend me, he reached for the control panel, somehow knowing exactly where to find the footage from the day when I almost breathed my last.

My expression hardened even further as the scene from the training deck came into view, acid erupting in my stomach just at the sound of own my screams as that spear flew into my side. Sharp gasps sliced through the air as they saw me fall to the ground, eyes glassing over at the tears that had cascaded down my face as I writhed in agony.

"He- he saved your life!" Allura choked out, hands swinging to cover her mouth. Hunk tossed his head, sighing deeply.

"Oh man, I knew you weren't a bad guy. I mean, you sacrificed yourself, taking that spear without even a second of hesitation. If you really were a Galran spy, you would've just left him to die. You would've left all of us to die, actually." Pidge's shoulders fell as she stepped back alongside him and Coran.

"I'm sure I would've found a solution eventually, but Hunk does make a valid point." I flinched at every arrow they plucked from the gaping gunshot wound in my chest, not even daring to blink as Keith zoned in on Lance, the last opposition remaining. Within the next heartbeat Keith had activated his bayard again, slashing it through the air.

"For all I know, James could be the only family I have left. So, if you're trying to kick him out of this castle, you'll have to kick me out with him." I nearly toppled over as the weight of that decree hit me like a freight train, heaving as my hands sprang to my knees.

"Whoa there" Coran interjected as he leaped forwards, followed by Shiro who reached for his protégés shoulder.

"Calm down Keith, no one is kicking anyone out of this castle." With just one stern look from the team leader, both boys disarmed. But even with that weight removed from my shoulders my spine was still ramrod straight as I spared a glance at the allies standing alongside me.

"Thank you Shiro... and Keith, but our team's right. I owe everyone an explanation; I've kept these secrets for far too long." I wrung my wrists at how their foreheads creased, craning their heads closer.

"What sort of secrets?" Pidge probed. My breath hitched as I returned to the dashboard.

"My past, my ancestry, and how Keith got caught up in my mess, if you're alright with that." I turned towards Keith with that last line, reminded of how tightly interwoven our histories were. Once he nodded, I went to retrieve the flash drive from my room, racing back within the next minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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