Chapter 53- Gucci

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"Run that bit again, I'm going to layer the harmony over the top babe," I say to Jayden as he places the headphones over his ears, nodding in response

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"Run that bit again, I'm going to layer the harmony over the top babe," I say to Jayden as he places the headphones over his ears, nodding in response.

He starts rapping his verse over the music and I add the harmony to the backing vocals.

This song has been a work in progress since July and since we're nearing the end of October it's been a long time in the making but it's such a good song though, all of it completely curated from our minds. Every lyric, every bassline, everything down to the single synth keys. I'm so excited, this is something new for both of us but it's so cool.

The end of the verse finishes and Jayden hops out of the booth.

"We're nearly done, wanna hear?" I spin in the wheely chair watching him nod eagerly and pull up another seat. I slide the sliders up and let our nearly finished song fill the studio room.

"Holy shit. That's fucking awesome." He clicks his fingers repeatedly whilst he makes some kind of howling noise, "Thanks for doing with me Gigi, you're insanely talented in every way. This is by far my favourite collaboration I've ever done. We sound fucking fire together." I nod in agreement, we do sound good.

He lets out a low whistle and lounges back in the chair.

"Thanks for flying out, by the way, I've been wracking my brain trying to find time in the schedule but with tour coming to a close and trying to make up for the missed shows I'm overrun." I sigh, I'm devastated in a few months this will all be over, it scares the fuck out of me because I have no idea what happens next.

"No problemo babe. How is Colty-boy by the way?"

"Yeah he's doing much better, I think another week and he'll be back to normal. He's just doing his best to put on the best shows to make up for the ones he's missed."

Its been about two weeks and Colton's recovering slowly, his voice is still a little horse but with the antibiotics, he should be completely fine by next week.

"Aw bless his ickle heart." Jayd mocks, "I'm hungry. Wanna go grab something to eat? There's a really good Japanese place down the road." He rolls about on the chair like a child.

"Yeah sure, let's just get this done and sent off." He groans slightly at my delay. When Jayden gets hungry, it takes over the entirety of his body and until he's fed he sulks around like a Grizzly bear. "Its nearly done I promise."  I giggle, pushing more sliders up on the mixing desk. 

It only took another thirty minutes to finish our song before I sent the file to Oaklyn to smooth out and Will who immediately replied with hundreds of happy emojis. I presume he's excited about it.

Jayden's now bought us to this cute little Japanese restaurant just down the road, it's a bit like Wagamamas and the food is insane. I opted for the Katsu Curry and Jayden some time of Ramen.

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