Chapter 21-Wrong Turn

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The first show of the tour in London was galvanizing, moments that will be etched into my memories forever

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The first show of the tour in London was galvanizing, moments that will be etched into my memories forever. Waiting on the ramp to go onto the stage I had my heart in my mouth, I could hear the low hum of collective chatter from the audience, the smell of smoke filled my nose as the fog machine started up,then...darkness. The arena lights blinked off and the audience started to cheer, I couldn't hear over the thumping in my ears, I could feel the ground underneath me spinning, I couldn't get my feet to move until I felt a hand on the small of my back. Coltons hand and encouraging smile, he winked at me and nod. His touch sent a wave of confidence through my spine. I filled my lungs with as much air as I could muster and took the mic from a small man in black wearing some headset.

"You've got this Spiller." He shouted over his voice clear over the forever growing roar of the audience, his words made my heart fuzz a little... his words gave me that last bit of encouragement I needed he was right, I could do this. This is what I want to do. How'd you do that Colton Jax...

The rest of the set was a subliminal blur. The lights hit me and the music powered through my body awakening me, it felt so natural and so unrealistic, but it was realistic and I was finally- as cliché as it sounds, living my dream! The rows of people filling the arena were singing my songs! The songs I wrote on a tube or in the storage room at Niki's. They knew all the words and sung along! That night I had an epiphany, I need to work on the future and work on myself because that night on that stage I was happy... it felt right... like I've always belonged there.

I couldn't say the same about leaving Luca, I watched from the tour bus window after the show, his little hands waving the busses off whilst tears trickled down his face, I felt all happiness crumble down into a shitty heap and spent the whole night crying into my pillow, I've called him a few times since we left and Bleu said he was upset and quiet at first but he's doing better now, just hearing his little voice on the phone makes my endorphins flow out in bursts.

I will forever be thankful for what Colton did for me the other night, and actually, ever since, he comes to my dressing room nearly every night just to see if I'm okay and have a conversation with me to take my mind off things. I feel like I hardly know who he is anymore, he's funny and gentle, he's the one person on this tour that when I'm with him I don't feel so alone or homesick.

We've been touring for a week now and we've already been to four different countries, each night seems to get better than the last and every night I hear the audience singing my songs! My EP is still at No.1 in the UK and has climbed to No.5 in the US, my EP has officially been in the charts for a whole week! Wills even talking to the label about having my own pre-show meet and greets since he thinks the demand will be high enough. However I still feel like a bit of an outcast amongst the crew and staff, I don't talk to many people and I tend to ride alone when we travel, it seems Colton does that too. He doesn't talk to the crew or any of the staff and the only times I see him go out are to nightclubs and when he brings back all too willing girls. It's all making me feel pretty lonely and homesick but I'm meant to be meeting Colton to do some writing today which will take my mind off it.

"Well good morning Spiller, what a fine morning it is in... actually where are we?" He asks rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, I roll my eyes and shake my head before taking another bite of my buttered toast.

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