Chapter 27- I Can't Breathe

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"Sono così orgoglioso di te baby! E sono così eccitato per te! Devi visitare il

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"Sono così orgoglioso di te baby! E sono così eccitato per te! Devi visitare il ..."

I'm so proud of you baby! And I'm so excited for you! You have to visit...

Anto says through my laptop screen, he's been droning on for the last half hour, I've pretended to be listing but really I'm not at all, I'm a little pre-occupied pretending to act sane in front of my loving godfather. Suddenly there's a knock on my hotel room door and I have to stop Anto halfway through his comprehensive list of places to visit.

"Aspetta, Anto, c'è qualcuno alla porta." I say launching my tiresome body off my bed.

Hold on, Anto, there's someone at the door.

I unlock the door cautiously and find Will stood bright-eyed and bushy-tailed with a warming smile on his face,

"Morning Gi, can I come in?" I nod and gesture for him to enter, I quickly run to my laptop,

"Scusa Anto! Devo davvero andare! Ti richiamo più tardi, sì?"

Sorry, Anto! I've really got to go! I'll call you back later, yes?

Honestly, I was kind of happy to go, don't get me wrong I love seeing my family and I miss them so much but Anto can see straight through my bullshit and I spent ten minutes trying to convince him I was fine when I was trying to hold back the lump in my throat.

"Aspetta aspetta aspetta! Marcelo e Apollo sono qui, vorrebbero parlare con te! "

Wait, Wait, Wait! Marcelo and Apollo are here, they'd love to talk to you!"

I try to protest in English and shoot Will an apologetic glance, he chuckles slightly and waves me off saying it's fine.

"Anto I've really got to go, I'll call them later!"

Suddenly Marco and Appolos faces fill my laptop screen, I smile slightly... I miss seeing their stupid faces,

"Ciao bitch." Marcelo says earning a slap from Marsha who's stood behind them.

"Guys I love you all so much, but can I please call you back later! I'm kinda busy right now!" I say pleading.

"Go, be famous my love!" Marsha chuckles glaring at Anto.

"I'll snap you Gi," Marcelo says nodding.

"Yea don't be a slacker Gigi, we just wanted to say your performance last night was fricking awesome and that we're jealous you're there and we're not!" Apollo pouts which draws a chuckle from their end of the line.

Finally, I manage to wrap up the conversation,

"Oh mio Dio devo davvero andare adesso! Vi amo tutti ciao!

Oh my god, I really have to go now! Love you all bye!

I quickly throw my laptop to the end of the bed and turn to Will cautiously,

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