Chapter 14- Untalented

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"Talentless Slut to replace Colton Jax

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"Talentless Slut to replace Colton Jax." I hold up my phone with the article headline on it to show Niki. She sighs, placing down the glass she's drying with the ratty checkered cloth and looks at me sympathetically.

"Grammy winner Colton Jax was spotted out last night with rapper Jayden Rayner and Oscar-nominated Lucas Laynee. He was seen going into Club 49 in Soho, London. It's not unusual to see Jax living up his usual bachelor style evenings but what was unusual was his choice of words about the rumored new female artist at Hassa Records. Sources have told us that this new artist will be co-writing Jax's album and also take his open slot on his European and American tour. However according to our reporters who witnessed Colton entering the club last night it seems this new artist hasn't made the best impression, Jax used colorful language to describe her, he said 'Hassa Records would never drop me and especially not for some untalented fxxxxxx slut who wouldn't know the first thing about being in the music business'"

I recite the start of the article to Niki and Sammy who have both stopped moving around the bar and are now looking at me awkwardly.

"They might not have been talking about you, babe?" Niki hits Sammy on the arm as if to say of course they are you, idiot.

"We have yet to find out who this mysterious rival artist is, but we know she's a born and bred Londoner." I read out the last line directing it at Sammy.

"Oh..." He looks at me sheepishly.

"An untalented fucking slut? That's what he thinks of me? Now that's what the whole world is going to think of me! I haven't even started at Hassa Records and the world already has this formed opinion of me... from a spoilt prick too "

Tears brew in my eyes, I try and blink them back but ever since Jacob sent me the link this morning I've been on the verge of crying constantly trying to push back the lump I've had flowing in my throat all day. I can't stand the fact that now everyone is going to see me as Colton's untalented fucking slut not Gigi a girl who just wants to sing.

Tears spill down onto my cheeks, Niki pulls me into her slim body wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I can feel Sammy's hand stroke my hair and back offering his comfort too. I probably look like such an idiot right now; I need to stop bloody crying all the time.

"Sorry I feel like I'm an emotional wreck at the moment, I'm being stupid." I mummer into Niki's shoulder.

She pulls away and holds my shoulders as I try and compose myself,

"Oh sweetheart, you need to cut yourself some slack! It's okay to cry, he's a prick and I can't believe he's had the nerve to say that, it's unfair all these artists getting away with being able to say whatever they want to whoever they want just because they're famous. You know you're not untalented or a slut, don't you?" She looks me straight in the eyes waiting for a response.

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