Chapter 44- No

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She's been running through my mind the whole week

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She's been running through my mind the whole week. Consuming every one of my thoughts. Even more so now she's spending every night in my bed. I watch her as she snores quietly, her hair spawn across the pillow, she usually snuggles into me, letting her fingers rest on my chest.

Is it creepy? Probably?

Do I have trouble controlling my friend downstairs? YES.

But is she just too beautiful not to watch? Most defiantly.

The air's changed around us, its fueled with passion and longing, I know she feels it too. There have been several moments in the last few days that nearly led to more but she always pulls back. I know she's scared, hell I don't blame her after what that asshole did to her. But I've got to show her I'm not going to hurt her. I'll show her even if it's the last thing I do. She's completely trusting of me which is a massive step, I take such pride and honour in knowing I'm the only one to know her story. Its really shifted the relationship between us. She deserves to be loved and I'm going to be the one to give it to her.

On a plus side much to the labels disdain mine and Gigis song has been successfully riding the number one spot in the charts worldwide. We've both gained wider fanbases from it and my fans have been so appreciative for telling my truth, they've found it easier to relate to me and find comfort in my music. We really couldn't have wished for a better result, it also made the label to rethink their views on my more 'emotional' music, they're distantly warming up to it. Gigi screamed the first time she heard it on the radio, she still gets so giddy like she can't believe that her music is actually being played. It's the most adorable thing ever.

I was going to ask her out on a date when we left LA about... two weeks ago. I know, I'm a fucking coward but I just didn't know if she'd say yes. Now I know she will... at least I hope she will. I can see the small green flecks of lust in her sapphire blue eyes, the longing to hold me just that little bit tighter than 'friends' do. So I'm going to ask her. I'll ask her today...

"Whatsup supermodel," I announce my arrival as I walk onto the stage, she's mid soundcheck and starfished on the stage. Needless to say, we're having quite the difficulty with tech today, it happens to the best of us, the TD Garden is usually a hard one to work in.

"Hey," she says making no attempt to get up, the microphone resting on her hoodie-clad abdomen. I join her on the floor, laying down beside her.

"You okay?" I turn my head slightly to get a look at her so I can tell if she lies. She's been fragile after she cried her heart out on the bathroom floor, quieter than normal. I don't blame her, I know it took a lot out of her, we've spent the last few days travelling and watching Glee, much to my detest, but it makes her slightly happier so that makes me happy.

"I'm fine stop worrying." She lets a long breath out.

"I can't because I worry about you," I reply,

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