Chapter 19- CJ

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The past few weeks have flown by, It's been a whirlwind, and I have to pinch myself to make sure this isn't a dream

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The past few weeks have flown by, It's been a whirlwind, and I have to pinch myself to make sure this isn't a dream. I've been in and out of the studio working on my EP, helping Colton write and getting things ready for the tour. On top of that, I'm still working at Niki's in the evenings, I feel its only right, just until I leave as I'm going to be leaving her short-staffed and she's done so much for me in the past. It took me a good week before I was able to go back to work and actually it was Colton who helped me sort of... I still hadn't told him what happened that night, he tried to ask me again but I changed the subject. Helping him write has also helped me write too and by breaking Colton's emotions into song I was able to do that to my own too. I never usually have a problem with putting my feelings into songs but I found it near impossible trying to write about what happened without having a panic attack again. I still get overly paranoid when at Niki's, always looking over my shoulder but I'm slowly working my way through it.

As for working with Colton, it's been surprisingly fun, I have no idea why the label hasn't let him write before, he's great at it and has a lot of things I feel he's been forbidden to say or talk about. We spend a lot of our time in the studio plucking melodies or spitballing random lyrics, underneath the arrogant demeanour there's defiantly a softcore, I still feel there's some sort of blockade between us though like he's holding back from something, there's always 'off' days when he's back to being the first Colton I met and when I ask him what's wrong he completely brushes me off and as soon as I try and delve deeper into the meanings and emotions behind his lyrics he starts to open up then snaps closed quicker than pandora's box. That being said he's been trying hard to apologise for what happened with the press, sometimes if we're working late we'll find some small bar or café to get food in near the studio, he pays every time even though he'll always find something to complain about- he's not used to slumming it with the poor but it's still nice, when he's not complaining, to spend time just chilling out with someone new.

If somebody had told me I'd be sitting in Weatherspoons with Colton Jax eating a seven-pound burger five weeks ago, I would have laughed in their face, but here we are...

" Okay I admit this is okay..." he says bitting into his burger,

"Shut up! This is more than okay! Spoons is the holy grail of being British! If you don't like spoons in this country its a sin!" I say poping another chip into my mouth.

He chuckles and takes a swig of his beer,

"This country is so weird."

"Hey, don't hate us coz you ain't us CJ" I reply wiggling my brows, he nearly spits his beer out his mouth and starts laughing.

"That is the worst thing I've ever heard Lastra are you ten? And for the love of all that is mighty, stop calling me CJ I'm not ten."

"Never," I reply with a wink.

He hates it when I call him CJ, he said it was one nickname he's gotten away with not having until I came along and it makes him sound like a ten-year-old boy. Just knowing it annoys him makes me feel slightly amused.

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