Chapter 24- Get Off My Ass

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The sun's setting in the sky painting red and Fushia splodges across the horizon mellowed out by the yellow streaks laying above the glistening, deep ocean

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The sun's setting in the sky painting red and Fushia splodges across the horizon mellowed out by the yellow streaks laying above the glistening, deep ocean. The waves crash against the shore, thrashing up then backing away slowly like their too shy to reach our feet. The sound of the boys playing volleyball makes me chuckle, all the grunts and groans as they swing the ball back and forth across the net... all the muscular body's diving into the sand to catch and stop their team losing a point. I rest my head on my arms watching them from my towel, more specifically watching Colton. Sand dusted across his sculpted body, the smouldering gaze he gives the poor skimpy stage crew on the other team and the wink he sends me which causes a blush to rise up my neck, situating itself obviously on my cheeks. I roll over onto my back, watching the fluffy clouds float across the sky through my sunglasses.

Crashing down next to me, Colton and Ryan send sand flying onto my bikini-clad body, Colton wastes no time in wiping the sand of my stomach, carefully moving his fingertips across my bare skin, I shoot him a look, to which he just smirks. He's such a flirt.

"God I miss this, it just reminds me of home," Ruby yawns from her towel beside mine.

"Whereabouts are you from?" I ask still facing the sky,

"Malibu born and bread baby." She does a little wiggle which makes me giggle.

"I know, I miss the hills right now." Colton sighs next to me.

"Yes with your private pool with your personal chef cooking you lobster ready for one of your maids to hand feed you under the blazing sun," Nessie says dramatically, Colton runs over to Nessie and tugs her towel from beneath her. When I first started working with Colton he wouldn't even look these guys in the eye if he passed them in the corridor but you wouldn't know it now by watching the way he interacts with them. I'm happy he's stopped being such an ass.

"Yea this totally makes me miss home... all the rain and grumpy commuters, the crammed tubes and drunk teenagers trying to get served on fake IDs, yea one hundred per cent miss that," I mumble sarcastically, still soaking up the remaining slither of sun, the warmth kissing my skin into its natural Italian shade.

"So what did you do before you came on tour? I know you obviously gigged but it sounds like you did more than that, what was your life like, you know?" Ryan asks now sat up facing us.

"Well... it's not that interesting, in the day I worked as a PA at a PR firm and in the night i-"

"Stripped." Colton cuts in, a mischievous grin on his face. I wack him in the chest.

"For fucksake! I was not a stripper I was a barmaid!" I sigh, he chuckles,

"That uniform told me a different story." He winks again seductively, I wack him for a second time which causes him to groan. The others stare at us, confused but slightly... excited? Nessie rolls over and whispers into my ear,

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