Chapter 65- Ditto

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Opening my eyes to the sun streaming through the window, you'd hardly think it was Christmas day but here we are in LA on Christmas day in close to thirty-degree heat

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Opening my eyes to the sun streaming through the window, you'd hardly think it was Christmas day but here we are in LA on Christmas day in close to thirty-degree heat.

"Gigi, Colton!" A little voice can be heard from the hallway outside, then the pitter-patter of tiny feet enter the room, "Wake up! Wake up!" Suddenly the bed is being bounced on my Arlo and Alessio.

Colton groans beside me which makes me chuckle.

"Merry Christmas my munchkins." I scoop them into my arms and start tickling much to Colton's annoyance who just tries to hit me with a pillow, still half asleep.

"Santa's been! You have to come downstairs." They shout. I giggle at their antics but a pang of guilt surfaces, I used to do this every year for Luca and now... I don't even know where he is. I hope he's having a good Christmas regardless.

"We'll be down in a minute, sleeping beauty needs to wake up first." I chuckle looking at Colton's half-naked body spread out under the sheets. The kids laugh and hop off the bed running into the next room where Sofia and Jacob are, presumably to wake them up.

Colton makes a grunting noise which turns into a type of yawn.

"What's the time." He runs his hand down his scruff lined face as I grab my phone.

"Six- twenty-three. Merry Christmas baby." I lean down and place a kiss on his lips.

"I love you but it's way too early." He moans. I giggle getting up and picking one of his massive hoodies out of his drawer, slipping it over my head. I lean my hand down to give him a hand out of bed but he catches me off guard and yanks me down so I'm lying on him. My hands spread out on his chest and my legs tangled in with him. He lifts my chin and places his lips on mine, fire spreads through my body as his tongue slips past my lips, I move my hands to glide through his hair as his own end up on my ass. As he pulls away I bite on his bottom lip, earning a small grunt which makes me chuckle.

"Merry Christmas doll." He smiles, his sparkly eyes wander my face.

"Merry Christmas my love." I reciprocate his smile and place a kiss on his nose.

After Colton and I had finally got up we join the others down in the kitchen. Sofia, Jacob, Anto and his family had arrived last night along with the majority of Colton's extended family. It's a good thing the Hemmings live in a bloody mansion. Sofia said Bleu and his family are arriving nearer lunchtime since they had stuff to do at home before they left.

"Morning my loves." Emma greets us as we walk in, the air filled with cinnamon, nutmeg and other festive spices. She's flipping some cinnamon buns and cookies out onto a plate which Sofia and the kids are grateful tucking into.

"Merry Christmas babe!" Sofia greets wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" I say as cheerfully as I can for someone who's just been woken up with a start. Colton on the other hand slumps down into his chair with a small grunt. I chuckle wrapping my arms around him from behind and place a small kiss on his cheek.

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