Chapter 2- A Midsummer's weak.

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So after I found out I needed braces, my family and I drove 5 HOURS all the way back to Green River. Imagine: A stuffy van, with three kids crowded in the back seat. Yeah, not too fun.

 For the next few weeks, I just moped around the house, thinking about my braces. I went on Facebook, and found out something that made my day. * Joey Bill is single". WHAT!?!?! When did this happen?! Joey was the hottest guy in our class. He was nice, sporty, cool... He was cliché. Just what all the girls want. Sadly, he was taken the whole year. He was dating Patricia Sims, a bitch. She spreads rumors about people all the time, and does some pretty stupid stuff to get attention. 

I didn't notice when Zach quietly sneaked up behind the computer chair, and started reading what was on the screen.

" Joey... seeenglllee... Who's Joey?"


Arrgh! Ever since Zach started reading, he's been pretty annoying. I didn't even see him there!! He was a little cutie, sporting blonde hair and hazel eyes. He will be such a ladies'  man, when he gets in middle school. He looked up at me, with his big hazel eyes, like mine.

 " Ella, when are you getting your... uhh... the metal in your mouth?"  

Gulp. I haven't thought about that. It was in a week, and I totally forgot. I got distracted. Well, if you count eating popsicles and watching random videos on Youtube distracting, then I was VERY distracted. He probably didn't even care about my braces. He just wanted to go see Toy Story 3. But I don't blame him. It looks like a funny movie.

 " Uh...In a week Zach."

 "Oh. Hey mommy?! Where's my Buzz Lightyear?"

He ran away, singing a song off of Toy Story. Tss.. I love him to bits.

My sister Lilly came in, and started running around, looking for her bathing suit. I don't know WHY her bathing suit would be in my room though. But my guess was, she wanted to brag about her boyfriend, when she clearly knew I didn't have one. Oh well. I guess I'll just play along.

 " Are you going out to the beach with your boyfriend?"

She was pretty popular in her grade, and all the guys ADORED her. I swear, she has a new boyfriend every week.

 "Yeah! I'm so excited! We're gonna have so much fun! And then after that, we're gonna go get some ice cream, and we might also go to BlahBlahBlahBlahBlah"

 I nodded and kept a steady smile, the polite thing to do, but she kept going ON and ON! Finally, she left,only to go and beg money from mom. Well, at least she was going to go talk someone else's ear off! She has strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, sporty,  basically everything a boy wanted. After all, blondes have more fun! In contrast to moi, with my auburn hair and hazel eyes, the nerdy type in school, a boy's worst nightmare. Stupid boys.

DING! You have One Unread Message! 

From Liza


Ahh Liza. She was my best friend since 4th grade. She ALSO had blonde hair, with green eyes this time. She aIways had a boy at her feet, begging for a date, a kiss, or other things... But they didn't stand a chance over her new boyfriend Matt. He had black hair, and deep, blue eyes, and I have to admit, he looked hot. However, I kinda feel like we're drifting away, ever since HE came along. She's always with him! If I call her to go to the movie theatre, she'll always bring Matt along, saying he called her right after. Or, she'll ditch me for him. It sucks to be a third wheel.

From: Ella

Hi :)

From Liza:

I thought you were gone to get your braces

From Liza:

Nahh... I'm getting them next week... 

From Liza:

 Oh. Bummer. 

From Ella:

Yeah... :(

From Liza:

What are you doing?

From Ella:

Nothing. At. All. Wanna hang out?

From Liza: 

Sorry. Matt is here. Cya!

Matt is actually really nice. I think I'm the only one in the world who doesn't have a boyfriend. I was hoping that this school year would be different. I was thinking a new boyfriend, maybe some more... How can I say? Woman power? And maybe I might be really good at a new sport, which would be surprising, because I seriously suck at every living sport on Earth. But apparently, the only thing that will be different for me are my teeth. Yay. 


Hey everyone! :) I hope you liked this chapter! I gave you a little overview on Ella's siblings and her best friend, and some love interests... ;) Vote, Read,Fan, comment! :)




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