Gorgon's Tomb

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Farah could feel a cold chill in the air as the silver slumering bodies started lighting up with that same eerie green light, and began to stand up and look around the room.

"Ten total" Said the Empress as she looked all around the room, analyzing every little detail with her post-human mind. "They look confused. Good. Reanimation protocols must have malfunctioned."

The Empress then swiftly turned and started to walk out of the hall, Farah following along.

"What are they?" She asked. "I've heard of ghosts inhabiting this land? But these things? They seem far more than just ghosts?"

The Empress didn't bother to turn to meet Farah's gaze as she responded. "We are not allies yet by your measure, so I see no need to tell you. Just listen to my instructions, and this mutual threat will be quelled easily enough" She said to the matriarch.

"Tch. If you are even half as good at real combat as you are with fucking, then I will trust your judgement on this issue. Now, what do we do to stop whatever this is?" Farah said, stretching her arms wide to gesture to the alien complex they now found themselves in.

"It's simple enough. Find their leader, defeat him, halt their awakening, then call in mass reinforcements to pick the rest off in their sleep" The Empress said as the pair rounded a corner. "The Necron lord will be waking up first, so all we need to do is follow the subtle noises echoing through the tomb complex to find him."

Farah stopped to listen, and sure enough could hear a distant racket throughout the halls. It was far from here, but with a good stride the pair would reach it in no time.

"Alright then. For now, we are allies" Farah declared.

"By the time this is done, we will be so much more" The Empress said to her daughter.

"Now prepare yourself, there will be hordes of mindless canoptec drones and warriors between us and the Necron lord. We are without weapons, segments of armor, and fatigued from our earlier bouts. This might actually be somewhat troublesome" She said, as the two glimpsed a swarm of scarabs up ahead.

"We'll see. All I know is that I will obtain the most victories in this battle" Farah said, flexing her muscles in preparation.

"We will see about that, child. We will see"


Farah weaved through the crowd of opponents with surprising dexterity, dodging gauss fire and scything blows made with the barrel of the alien weaponry. In one moment she was crushing the head of one of the silver monsters, the next she was barreling through a cluster of the cannon fodder, pulping their living metal chassis. In another moment she caught and crushed a concentrated beam of gauss cannon fire, then delivered a pair of gut punches to the offending enemies.

'This is even easier than I thought it would be' Farah thought as she broke the back of one of the necron warriors over her knee, before throwing its limp, lifeless body at terminal velocity into a cluster of scarabs, which promptly blew up into a cloud of mismatched necrodermis pieces.

"Don't get carried away Farah, we have almost reached the royal chamber!" Said the Empress, as she walked through Necron after Necron, expending minimal effort in sending them flying away from her with the most beautifully simplistic of reactionary attacks

"Of course not" Farah replied as she punched another Necron head in. "I mean, we have finished just about all of them off by now?"

"And not a moment too so" Replied the Empress, as she finally stopped in front of the door to the royal chamber, right as Farah finished ripping the last Necron in half.

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