Contests of the Russ

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The proving grounds for the Empress and her rediscovered daughter was steeped in the typical racket of Fenrysian festivities. Swathes of people had gathered from far and wide, all across Fenris, to view the spectacle that was about to unfold.

Some held quiet thoughts on the potential for Freya's first defeat, there's only came to see yet another stunning victory from the world queen, few came here simply for a good time, and others only attended out of some sense of obligation.

Whatever their reasoning, they all passed the time before the great bouts were to begin with the expected decour of a Fenrysian. Feasting, fighting, and fucking amidst the great viewing stands that had been built around Freya's proving grounds.

Indeed, here was where she'd defeated the tyrant marauder of the Russ so many years ago. In her domain she had not once suffered a loss. Here she'd never come close to failure. Never shown weakness, nor held back her strength an ounce.

Here where her legend first arose, it was impossible for anyone to imagine her defeat.

'What's with all the wolves?' thought the Empress of Mankind as she strode through an ornate stone gateway emblazoned with the sigil of a roaring Fenrisian wolf.

'I know I added some old wulf stock into number VI, but this? I haven't been able to walk ten steps since the Bucepheles landed without walking into something wolf related. Hmm, I wonder if that's why she landed on this world in particular?' thought the Empress.

As she made her way to the center stand she gazed up around the mass of spectators. This would be a truly great opportunity to assert herself unto her creation, to see what effects dominating her infront of so many loyal subjects would have. Would she grow vengeful or would it simply cement her loyalty to the Imperium? She seemed to be a member of a might makes right society, it wouldn't be too risky to assume the latter possibility.

'Whatever the case, I'll have to do some more research into the warp mechanics of the scattering once I return to terra' the Empress pondered. ' If the emergent location is based on some sort of thematic resonance, then cross referencing worlds with appropriate referential particularities might expedite the primarch recovery process'

As she finished making her way towards the centre of the proving grounds and sat upon a preplaced chair she took note of the fine qualities of those Fenrysians gathered in waiting for their queen to begin the match.

'Mmmm, if nothing else, this world should provide the Imperium with some truly exquisite astartes' thought the Empress as she licked her lips in delight, practically able to taste the ample contributions these powerful savages would provide her fighting forces.

"People of the Russ, we gather here to bear witness towards a new challenge of authority. An outsider has come seeking to dominate the queen!" Spoke a young exotic looking warrior from what looked to be a pulpit amongst the observation stands that surrounded the proving grounds. The men wore what looked like linen shirts, and fur loincloths over leather pants, but they clung tightly to the men's bodies. The she wolves were near them, some collared, some feeding pups.

"I, Jorin Bloodhowl, in the name of the Einherjar and the Russ, by the will of Fenris herself, wish luck upon both the courageous challenger and our unsurpassed ferocious she-wolf. Have a good clean go at each other, do yer best to give us a good show, don't get prissy when you lose. Now lets shut our yappin' and get to the good stuff eh!"

The crowds burst into cheering at the proclamation of Freya's honour guard, as if they could smell the exciting bout that lay just a few moments into their future, intoxicated by the certainty of a good time. Their energetic revelry only grew as Freya herself took to the field, sporting a confident smirk on her face.

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