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"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!" Khorne screamed.

Without missing a bead, First Great Beast moved up to Khorne with such menace that even Revelation felt some sympathy for what would occur. Only Slaanesh was still calm, as she had her tongue out, a hand placed on her breasts, massaging it, as her fingers slid on her now wet lips.

"The path of aggression, that which is done in primal heat" Chanted the Great beat, before it pinned Khorne to the nonexistent floor, such was his power!

"Why...Why can I not return to oh warp."

The tendrils wrapped around the legs and arms of Khorne. The Great Beast lifted her into the air, as a tendril wrapped around her throat, and 2 more tendrils rubbed her breasts. Khorne's face turned red, the beast tendril rubbing her nipples with small tendrils, while a larger one slid against her new and sensitive vagina.

"I was not ready for today" mumbled Nurgle aloud.

For once Revelation could think of no objections to the words of a chaos god. What was occuring before them was a sight beyond possibility.

"Mmmmmmm, ahhhhhhh, ooohooohoooooh! look, look at you now. A real, rivaaallll! Mmmmmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhhhh, Sch, sucha, a....Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh! nice sound your making!" Slaanesh said, her fist buried inside of her pussy, before squirting from the excitement.

Khorne shoots Slaanesh a glare that could chill running blood, despite the Great Beast's tender care.

"I, will, end, youu!" Khorne squeezes, blushing.

Revelation wondered how humanity would stand up to this new beast, if it could so easily dominate the likes of the great enemy. And no sooner did that thought pop up than the Great Beast move to escalate his 'duel' with Khorne, whom was now a panting puddle of red sweat.

From below a tendril rose from the Great Beasts back poised to breach the virgin chaos being. A look of abject terror formed on the blood god's face as their lower portions were raised up to meet the great beasts large tentacle, while their front portions were pushed down by the primordial annihilator's tendrils, pressing right down onto the oddly existent floor.

Khorn's sensitive breasts pressed against the bedrock of emotion, has legs still spread wide, showing the virgin pussy and puckered asshole of the god. The action receiving a pitiful whimper from the quivering warmonger.

Khorne struggles vainly as the beast's massive tentacle pushes harder on the virgin pussy. The size making the god fear what could happen when it entered her. Tears rolled down the face of the blood god. It is all the formerly mighty warlord can do to beg, something that mere minutes ago would've been an impossibility within Khorne's mind.

"N-no, please! Do not do this to me! I am beaten, end me rightly, send me off with a warrior's honor! I beg of you!" Khorne pleaded.

For an impossibly long, yet short, moment, the great beast just stood there, silently, poised to strike, the massive tendril pulling back, and loosened the grip on the war god.Then, a low chuckle emerged from it's vocal cords.

"So, you concede then, Khorne. I see! So first blood is mine!" Malal commented.

"Yes, you have won. I cannot, your power, it is, I can't understand it!" Khorne pleaded.

Leaning over to Khorne's ear, Revelation could hear a loud whisper emerge from the great beast, who bore no trace of pity within it's black heart.

"To the victor goes the spoils! You said you do not understand my power. Worry not! In time, you may learn it yet. Now then, as I said-" the beast said.

Quicker than Khorne could speak the tendril slammed back down, the round end was rough, dry, and pushing on the tight entrance of her cunt. As fast as Khorne could squeal, it slammed in deep, hitting her cervix.

"First blood is mine!" The beast yelled.

Khorne screamed as the tentacle pushed in and pulled out of her. With each thrust, she felt her presence destroyed. In her realm, bloodletters and other deamons became something none have ever been, other than Slaanesh, horny. They rushed to another daemon, hoping relive the pent up desires they had, daemons ripped their clothes off, before they began to fuck each other. From rivers of blood, to the skull throne, every demon fucked.

(A mental image to place in your heads, a line of daemons lined up, in a congra line of fucking, as far as you could see and never hope to see, like the spongebob 5 mile spanking machine of sex.)

Khorne had lost the title of god of violence, and now was the god of rape, hentai and submission. The beast pulled out the tentacle, leaving khorn weak, but herself.

It lifted her up so her face was pointing up, with her legs. The tentacle poked the rosebud of an asshole, before slamming in. Khorn was being fucked in the ass so hard, she was forgetting who she was. All look on in abject horror, aside from Slaanesh, who is reacting like how you'd expect them to react.

At long last the great beast finished with Khorne, who was now lying down in a pool of her own sweat, blood and juices. The other's eyes burnt, hungering for their turn. That long imprisonment has seen it practically starved of sensations. Now that it was released, it'd be a while till he was satiated. Slaanesh was moved to tears by the display, never before had they witnessed such unparalleled passion, never before could they have imagined that Khorne could be drowned out in pleasure

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