Leadership of the Legion

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Dolor on the capital ship of the second legion, Dolor was going to talk with the Legion master. As the door opened, there was woman in a bikini sitting on a large chair. She had long black hair with blue eyes and tanned skin. She wore a tight Orange bikini that showed off her F cup sized tits and a bikini bottom that was so small, you could barely see it.

"Oh! My primarch!" She said, sitting up, surprised, and nervous.

"I take it you are the Legion master." Dolor said.

"Yes, I am The Legion Master, Esmerelda Restrase." She introduced herself.

"I am here to take my role as the leader of the Legion." Dolor said

Esmerelda stood up and Dolor walked to the throne, sitting in it.

"Explain the Legion's role in the crusade." Dolor said.

"Yes, well, The Empress has requested that we remain somewhat behind the crusade lines, we also have been requested to take marines who cause failure, and, discipline them." Esmerelda explained.

"Show me the location of discipline." Dolor said.

"Ok, I will get a guide for you." Esmerelda said.

"No, you shall, it should be the master of the Legion who shows their Primarch their legion's skills." Dolor explained.

"May I at least get dressed first?" She asked, embarassed.

"You can think of this as Disciplinary actions for sitting in my chair." Dolor said, chucking to himself.

The Legion master, walked in front of her Primarch, leading him through the flag ship, before reaching the main hall. The hall had several walk ways on the side walls, with doors evenly spaced out. 

"The main hall is known as the hall of disciplines, each room is designed to contain an astartes, and the disciplinary action will begin, be conducted and they will stay until the end of the disciplinary action." Esmerelda said.

"Show me one of these rooms." Dolor said.

Esmerelda walked to the closest room, and entered. The room was fairly simple, having padded floors, walls and a ceiling. There was only one unusual thing to Dolor as he looked in the room, some what hunched over. On the ceiling, were metal rings that were secured into the wall.

"What are the purpose of these?" Dolor asked.

"Those are for the Harness of Penitents." Esmerelda explained.

"I wish to see this, harness." Dolor said.

With a press of a button, a legion serf walked in, carrying a leather harness, with several straps.

"Well, you see, the harness is to restrict the movement of the wearer, and allow the punisher to, position the wearer in any position to have better access needed areas." Esmerelda said.

"Interesting, put it on, I wish to see the harness in use. I will be kind, do not worry, it will only be a short punishment." Dolor explained.

Esmerelda put on the harness, which wrapped around her breasts, making them even more prominent, and made a small diamond at her waist, some straps went between her legs, lifting her ass up a bit. She had a straps on her ankles and wrists, with long cords on them.

"Ok, it's put on." She said, blushing. 

Dolor grabbed a cord, finding it was a strong durable cord. He looped it through a ring, and lifting her off the ground. He tied the cords so she would not fall, before grabbing a cord from her ankles, and pulling it tight around, so she was hanging from the ceiling, her legs spread.

"Is this all nessessary?" Esmerelda asked, slightly wiggling.

"Begin travel to Terra. Inform me when we arrive." Dolor said.

Dolor ran hand hand on the wall, before feeling it move slightly, and found a small hidden compartment. Picking up a whip with several leather cords.

"Now, I think some punishment is needed." He explained.

Dolor whipped Esmerelda's pale butt, making her scream out in pain. This continued, until the round asscheeks were red and radiated with heat. Dolor set the whip down, before looking in the bin, and took put a small handle. He pressed it against Esmerelda's pussy, and pressed a button, making it vibrate against her lower lips, making her moan in pleasure.

"Ooooooh! Sir! Please, this is unnecessary." She moaned aloud.

"I believe it is, I wish to teach you that I am in charge now, and when we get back, you will announce this to the rest of the legion." Dolor said.

With that, he pressed the highest setting, and Esmerelda's head flew back, moaning in pleasure. After nearly a minute of the highest setting, Dolor pulled it away, seeing visible wet marks on her crotch. Dolor turned it to the lowest setting and secured it so it pressed on her pussy, while hanging on her thigh.

Dolor took a simple gag and put it in her mouth, muffling her moans.

"Now, I think I'll let you be here until we reach Terra." Dolor said, walking towards the door, before smiling.

"I just thought of something else." He added.

With that, Dolor, had a portable pump system brought in. He then had two suckers brought in and connected the end to an empty container. Turning the pumps on, they began to suck in air. Dolor moved Esmerelda's bikini top off, and put the suckers on her nipples, making them stand up, and begin to be pulled.

"Enjoy." Dolor said, shutting the door, noticing a light showing it was in use.

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