The Eldar meeting

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 The silence of the moon pervaded every anxious second, as the gathered Eldar from every walk of life took their positions, ready to be enlightened about Eldrad's newest crazy scheme yet. Most had no clue why they'd been called to gather here, only that it concerned the future of their species, and promised answers to an event that had not gone unnoticed by their race.

"It's time, Eldrad'' said one of many farseers who had decided to make the journey to Coheria. "Tell us what you know of the Elthir Suin Sha'eli, that madness which has sent the warp into a fit! She-Who-Thirsts! Malal! Or did the mon-keigh tamper with forces beyond their comprehension yet again!? "

'They're still thinking so narrow mindedly' Eldrad thought in pity. 'They barely realize the full magnitude of what happened'.

"Why should we care for the thoughts of a cursed Bechareth and his Eshaiir companion!" Shouted one familiar looking Autarch amongst the assembled Aeldari. "I've only come here to provide a voice of reason for those of us who might've been taken in with their delusions. We'd all have better luck pursuing alternative answers rather than listen to a dead man walking!"

The words stung Eldrad, despite coming from a familiarly antagonistic face. "You should all listen, because I truly do possess the answers, as well as the solutions. You will not find answers easily with the galaxy as it is right now, not even amongst, say, the Cabal. Now I'd ask that even you, Slau Dha, be silent and listen to what I have to say, and hear what I would ask you of. Or be removed from the company of those who would do so. Either willing, or otherwise" Eldrad declared, as the Visarch wirled his blade for emphasis, while Khiraen Goldhelp loomed menacingly towards the back of the congregation, several wraithguards to his flanks.

"Intimidation Eldrad? If that is who you truly are! Who has seen your face since the Elthir Suin Sha'eli? Your voice, your mannerisms, they both might match with the Eldrad we knew, but the Eldrad we knew died. We still have his body, and your failure of a companion's word about the incident. Who amongst us is really foolish enough, I wonder, to think a Bechareth escaped She-Who-thirsts! Its preposterous to even consider it!"

"Quiet down, autarch." Spoke Sylandri Veilwalker as she danced around Slau-Dha, being sure to invade the autarch's personal space to the utmost degree. "The harlequins know this to be Eldrad Ulthran. The laughing god has decreed it to us who dance to his tune. If you believe you know better than lord Cegoroach, well, feel free to be wrong, at your own expense of course"

A ghostly honk echoed through the silent lunar hills, carried by an ethereal wind that sent chills down the spines of most of the gathered Eldar. Slau-Dha paused, face wracked with ponderous consideration, before he sighed in defeat.

"If you say so, then I will not challenge this bechareth any further. He still looks far too short to be Eldrad though. Let us just hope this latest scheme ends better than his last" Slau-Dha finished, gazing noticeably at Khiraen Goldhelm, the wraithlord's frame noticeably tense, ready to end Slau-Dha at the nearest glimpse of a justifiable excuse to do so.

With those final comments the autarch grew silent, paving the way for Eldrad to speak at last.

"The Council of Eldrad is now called to session. We are gathered here, one and all, for a clear and defined purpose. To address the Elthir Suin Sha'eli through a ritual that has been a quiet eternity in the making. If anyone else has an opinion to voice, speak it now. Else, I will begin to divulge the secrets of the maidens screams which shook the warp."

Not a single Eldar dared interrupt.

Eldrad spoke for hours on end, bringing to light all that the farseer had learned about the great disaster that had befallen the immaterium. The Well of Eternity, the release of the Great Beasts, the ascension of Malal, and the primordial restructuring of the Chaos Gods to a more primal state. 'Or at least, that is the only way they'll understand it.' Eldrad thought. 'I don't think they're ready to accept the full implications of what happened to them... or us'.

"So, to finish, my esteemed brethren, the nature of Chaos has changed, and the warp along with it. We have all felt it, in one way or another, and it is only through our concerted efforts to adhere to our paths that these pulls have been resisted. However, as these changed within the warp cement, our usual manner of resistance will prove less and less effective. The difficulty of resisting our old nature was already a task in and of itself, the extra burden will tire us out soon enough, and the Aeldari will once again face calamity."

Many Eldar heads turned to one another as whispers filled the air. The harlequins alone remained unaffected by Eldrad's revelations, merely joking to one another, while the followers of Khaine argued amongst themselves, and the farseers exchanged philosophical contemplations to one another.

"Why should we believe you, believe this nonsense? " Rang out the voice of Slau Dha once more. "You were lost, Eldrad. That fact cannot be denied. Even if you are who you say you are, what reason do we have to believe you and this fanciful story? How do we know you were not returned to be used as a puppet by the Great Enemy?"

Silence once moor visited the gathered council, and silence once more was mercilessly slain, this time by the uproarious laughter of Sylandri Veilwalker.

"HAHAHAHAHAH!!! Oh, what a fine joke, coming from an Autarch no less! You truly missed your calling Slau Dha, or do you mean to imply that all those who die without a spirit

stone are lost? Or that She Who Thirsts could actually hold back for some deception more suited for the likes of the Deceiver, or that indecisive mollusk."

Slay Dha scoffed, pointing his sword accusingly towards Eldrad. "Such a possibility cannot be ruled out!? We speak of the very survival of the Eldar race here, to misstep by the tiniest amount is to invite calamity!"

"That is enough'' Boomed the voice of Khiraen, the wraithlord's frame shaking with his fury. "I was there too, lest it be forgotten. I felt Eldrad's passing, and I know that She Who Thirsts failed to claim his soul. Is it truly unbelievable that there would be some precious time for him to have performed a miracle while the great enemy was distracted? This is Eldrad Ulthran we speak of, not some lesser talent only just introduced to the Path of the Witch. If any of us could accomplish such a feat, it would be him!"

Slau-Dha balked at Khiraen Goldhelm's fury, as did all else who might've had something to say against the farseer who had gathered them.

"Thank you, my old comrade." Eldrad said, an air of exasperation in the farseer's voice. "Now then, my solution is a simple one. Through the efforts of us gathered here, I would have us use the Great Beasts to our advantage. If they could elevate Malal to the status of full Chaos God, then why not trick them into attempting the same for our own pantheon? If we were to focus our psyches within the warp, and draw their attention towards the Aeldari Gods we so fervently pledge ourselves toward, then they would without doubt restore them to their old glory, if only to have their way with them afterwards"

"That's a bold suggestion Eldrad. I hope you aren't suggesting we align ourselves with Chaos and hope for the best!" Chided Slau Dha, as a wave of murmurs sounded off in agreement.

"Let's not be hasty, k." Said Veilwalker in defence of Eldrad. "The Laughing God has made his will known to us Harlequins. He agrees with this course of events, and will see to it that the Great Beasts are properly confounded before they can do the slightest bit of damage. It will be a gaff for the ages, a triumph worthy of celebratory troupe performances across every craftworld, to the deepest depths of Commorragh, to the most sullen reclusive exodite world!"

All the Harlequins nodded, hooted, and clapped vigorously in agreement. Not one was out of synch.

"It is as Veilwalker says. If our plans should hold true, Ceogorach will provide a means of escape for our gods. If all should go as planned, then Isha, Khaine, and even Ynnead will be spirited away to aid the Aeldari once more. Now, what say you, assorted brethren from throughout Aeldari society? Will you help, or will you refuse to take part in the salvation of our species?"

It didn' take long for arguments to break out amongst the prideful figureheads of Eldar society, but Eldrad and cohort paid them no heed. By numbs alone it was clear what the final decision would be, all that was left to do was prepare for the ritual...

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