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Yet, even as they fed off of the disgrace of the blood god, the other in the area felt most uneasy. Tzeench had the common sense to take advantage of his moniker, changer of ways, and was working hard to remove anything even remotely exploitable about his being, closing off chinks in his psyche that the great best could exploit.
Meanwhile, Nurgle just stood there, jolly as ever, getting a small kick out of seeing the old order of things decay and crumble.
"Well, I suppose there's no avoiding it, eh!" Spoke the god of disease.

"No, I am all of you as I am none of you, therefore, I am a god above the gods. Hence, you shall be me as your daemons are yourself"  Malal
"Uuuum, speak clearly lad, I don't quite get it" Nurgle
"He's going to F**k the ick right out of you Nurgle. He's going to destroy you, without even destroying you! Isn't that wonderful!!!" Malal
Nurgle could only respond with a solemn tone, a deep diseased breath, and the resigned acceptance that could only come from being the nicest yet most miserable guy in the room.
Nature incarnate spoke his last words as the pure embodiment of decay, disease, forlorn mopiness, acceptance, and most importantly, death.
"Well Tzeentch, we had a good run, didn't we. See you on the other side, you indecisive mollusk!" Nurgle.
Arms spread, great belly jiggling with laughter despite the situation, Nurgle was hit by the same primordial energy as Tzeench spared a moment from his last great work to weave a remembrance of the Nurgle that was into his rapid frenzied scribblings, thankful for the time he'd just bought him.
Meanwhile, Revelation was left wondering whether shemay have misjudged the neverborn... or if the current circumstances had just altered their natures from previous estimates.
On another note, with all occupants sure to be distracted by Nugle's turn being ganged on by a great beast, Revelation decided to capitalize on it's passing, moving ever so deftly towards the well of souls.
As the energy faded away, Nurgle's new form was unveiled for all to see.

Nurgle, now a thin, feminine figure stood, her skin a gentle green, her horns now only small twigs on her head, covered in white hair. Her hips wide, with a less than bountiful chest. Her appearance was a solemn beauty, as her face was a gentle smile on her face, with faded eyes.
"Well, this is new. Hmmmm, don't know how to feel about that. On one hand I've changed, breaking my beautiful stagnation. On the other and, the amount of despair I'm feeling is pretty mellow. What do you think Great Beast, I can't decide, resist, or not?" Nurgle.
The third great beast neared the plague god, barking, making a whirlwind blow over the god. The animal like beast snarled, pacing the god, as she got up. Her body were frozen in place somewhat, unable, or unwilling to stand up.
The Great Beast simply responded by showing a canine cock, with a large knot, and ridges, along with a hungry gaze told Nurgle how this would end.

"Right then, that works for me. Just a heads up primordial, I don't intend to change easily. I've pretty stubborn that way." Nurgle.
Despite the ex plague father's words, their body screamed eagerness, wetly anticipating the Great Beast's unique, loving infection. Indeed, Nurgle, who had violated so many mortals with lovingly concocted diseases, was morbidly, overwhelmingly curious what it would feel like to be on the other side of things. To have their body penetrated and filled with a fearfully virulent substance, to have it coarse through them, getting into every nook and cranny, changing them into something frighteningly different, yet oddly comforting all the same.
It was clear as day to Revelation, especially with how Nurgle moved her hand, leaning so her large ass was in the air, and legs spread slightly, showing her pussy.

They were all about brotherhood brought on by infestation, to them, to deny the Great Beast, to do that would make Nurgle a hypocrite.
The one good aspect of chaos I suppose. No matter how insidious they might be, they will always act towards their diabolical themes. They cannot deny their memes, even at the cost of their ego.
"Datz roight humie, dey'z gotta be like dat then, like we'z gotta be green" mork.
Revelation turned slowly to see an oddly massive, yet diminutively stealthy orkoid sneakily watching the sight next to himself.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum, what? Revolution.
"Don't mind me, big humie, Gork just azk'd me ta pop in fer a tad, so I'ze sneakin' right now! Zog! Khorne gettin' wimpy 'n all, a right bother I say, We'z had a brawl skeduled 'n evrythin'!! *Sigh*..." mork.
Just as quickly as what was apparently Mork appeared, he disappeared back into the folding non matter of the warp, like something out of a 21st century meme. Or maybe a 43rd century electrovid.
Shaking off the bizzare happenstance, Revelation redoubled focus unto the scene before him. And what a scene it was.

The third great beast walked behind the Plague goddess, it's form stopped changing, leaving it covered in an icy form. With Nurgles's plump pussy exposed to it, the beast sniffed it, it's nose pressing in gently. After it sniffed the God's cunt, the beast licked pulled back and licked it.

It's tongue slid against the pussy with such ease, slowly picking up speed, before Nurgle looked back.

"Enough teasing, get to the good part." She said, her face blushing, while pussy soaking.

The beast turned into a whirlwind and mounted the plague god, it's pays pressing on the lower back. The canine cock rubbed on the soaking pussy, the knot pressing on the clitoris.

As the shaft of the cock slid back and forth against the God's cunt, Nurgle felt herself losing the battle. The beast finally stopped, and lines his cock unto the tight hole, and slammed in, going all the way in, till the knot hit nurgle's ass.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Nurgle screamed, as her asshole was fucked dry by the large cock.

The beast kept thrusting in and out of the God's asshole, spreading the tight hole wider and wider.

As the beast slammed it's hips into the ass of the god, Nurgle's eyes began to cross. This new feeling was more than anything she had ever felt from spreading disease.

Nugle's realm was changing, the gardens began to bloom with flowers, and all the horrific and deadly plants vanished, being replaced by flowers and bushes. The nurglings popped and other beings changed, to a female appearance, plague weapons turned to vases filled with life giving water, armor broke, exposing fine silk and linens.

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