Princess Lioness

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Over a world left in a feudal state,  the night, as a single comet fell to the forested woods below. As the bod crashed, it landed deep in the forest, far from people and civilization. For 18 long years, this pod remained untouched and undiscovered, until.

Clop, Clop, Clop.

Knights of the Order were searching deep in Caliban's woods, when they found, something strange, a skull on a tree, one of the great beasts. The head had no damage, sticks were tied together with strips of grass and fur. He pressed his hand, moving on the edge, before he felt one move with ease.

Luthur, was cautious as he approached. His knights moved with him, watching cautiously. He pushed the door open, seeing what was almost.......civilized.

A fence with some captured animals, animals that were skinned and draining of blood, a lean tube for sleep, and....a throne like seat. The knights walked around, confused, before they heard....singing...of some sort.

"La, la-la, la, de, do-do, da." A woman sang.

They moved closer, until they pulled a set of pelts back, and saw a woman bathing. Long blonde hair that reach the middle of her back. She had skin that was fair, and eyes were a shinning green. She turned slightly, showing her breasts, a nice plump set with erect pink nipples. Her ass was round but tone, and between her legs was a pristine, untouched pussy from what the knights could tell.

The knights watched her, Luther moved forward.

The woman turned, grabbing an axe made of wood and bones. She growled and prepared to fight.

"Hold on, Friendly." He said, holding his hands up.

The woman watched him, before she moved under the water and hide. Luther watched, confused. The other knights entered, confused, their armor clinking as they moved. One moved into the water, before he was grabbed and pulled under. The other knights tried to rush in, before red water spread across the surface. They stayed out and watched, carefully.

They watched, before firing into the water. They looked over as a wooden spear slammed into the armor and they looked up, seeing the naked woman with a wooden spear in hand.

"She climbed the water fall!" One yelled.

Luther watched as she grabbed a spear and threw it. The knights moved around, looking for a path up. They walked towards the path, before the woman jumped, running towards the outer area, before Luther stepped in her path and grabbed her.

"Hehe! You the bitch!" One knight said.

"Gentlemen, we are The Order. We do not act like savages." Luther said.

"What are we going to do with her then?" The knight asked.

"Simple, we take her with us, back to the keep. See what she knows." Luther said.

The knights tied the woman's hands and feet together, before Luther put her on the back of his horse, before they traveled to back to the Keep. Everyone watched as the knights returned, one fewer than that had left, with a prize on Luther's horse.

They entered the Keep, and Luther put the woman on his shoulder, carrying her to a room, and set her in a chair, looking at her.

"Fiesty as a Lioness.....Yes....Lioness Janson, the lioness, daughter of the forest." Luther said.

-Months later-

Lioness Janson was wielding a long sword, squaring off against Luther. The two moved in a circle, watching the other. Suddenly Luther moved forward, preparing an overhead slash, only for it to be blocked. The two swung and parried the other, until Luther's spun his blade and knocked the blade from Janson's hand.

"Nice try daughter, but...You still have much to learn." He said smiling.

"I am trying father, you are rather skilled, But....can I ask you something father." Lioness said.

"Sure." Luther said, walking over and picking up the thrown sword.

"When can I become the grand master?" She asked.

Luther was surprised, he looked at her, before thinking.

"Once you can prove you are strong enough to lead. Until then, I will still be the grand Master." He said.

Lioness Janson was the "daughter" of Luther, and was being groomed to be the Next Grandmaster of The Order. She was often joked about being "the Princess of the forest", which she took as an honor badge, to her head and demanded things of the knights.

-flash back-

Lioness Janson was sitting....on a knight she had beaten. The knight growled in annoyance, as Janson looked down at him. With a free hand, she pulled his pants down, and grabbed his cock, not fully her hand's size.

"Looks like a long knife is in your pants. I was expecting something like a long sword...pathetic." She said.

The knight began to push up, before a hard squeeze tightened around his "Sword".

"Behave." She said, with some annoyance.

Several knights looked at her.

"I think I will get a new law made. We have so many men here, what about the women? I bet some of you are weaker." She said.

"We are not." One yelled.

"I bet I can beat you without even standing up." Janson teased.

The knight picked up a sword and rushed forward. As he ran, he suddenly stopped, as Janson's legs kicked up, hitting square in his balls, and literally popping them.

He fell down, holding his groin, legs quaking, and struggling to breathe.

"Told you." She said.

It was a week later The Order's ranks grew, as both men and women were now brought in.

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