Lion'ess meets her Sibling

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Dolor stood on the command deck of the Sternenkrieger, when he came across a forest planet. It was mostly covered in forests, but scans did show pockets of civilization across the surface. Dolor....felt something pulling him there, something he knew felt familiar, the sensation of a Matriarch.

"Message mother. I have found another." He commanded, before he turned and began to walk towards the lower decks. 

As he reached the hanger. 

"Create a landing zone. Company 1, with me." Dolor commanded.

Many astartes of the first company, made up of those sent from the first legion, and those made up of those like minded beings of the second legion, boarded drop pods and landing craft. The ship fired, flattening a section of the forest to allow the drop pods to land unharassed. The doors opened and Dolor, along with the members of the first company. 

Janson felt something, a wasn't a danger......and it was more like a draw, like something needed to be there, yet was not, and now it pulled things towards it. Janson mounted her mount, the a cycle found from ancient ruins, one that she had recreated to a size more fitting of herself.

Several knights heard the roar of a great beast in the distance and gathered their armor, weapons, and prepared to fight in combat. They followed Janson as she lead them to the field of battle. Eventually, they reached a large clearing, the forest flattened, and in the center were several metal objects, with people in armor, and in the middle, a large being, holding a gun.

Janson stopped and dismounted, her knights following. The figure raised his hand, and the soldiers lowered their weapons.

He reached up, taking off his helmet, showing a man's face. Janson stopped, only being a step from being face to face, as the figure towered over Janson, the Order's greatest warrior, the Princess of the Wilds, now faced Dolor, the Iron King, the Master of the Second Legion.

A golden light flashed and a roar of thunder blasted near by, as a golden figure appeared.

"Son, it is good that you have found another of my daughters." the Empress said, smiling, walking up to Janson, and pulling her into a hug, her breasts smothering Janson, as her face was pulled between the breasts and surrounded her head.

Janson pushed and struggled, trying to break free, unable to breathe. The Empress didn't notice as Janson passed out. The Empress dropped Janson, who fell like a sack of potatoes to the ground. The knights looked at the Empress and were shocked.

Luther walked forward, not quite even being as tall as this woman, who had just defeated his child. His head was just under her waist, as he looked up. The woman leaned forward slightly, as the man picked up Janson and tossed her onto his shoulder.

"Oh, who are you?" The Empress asked.

"I am Luther, knight grand master of the Order, and father to Janson. Who are you?" He asked.

"I am the Empress of Mankind, I thank you for raising my child, but I will be taking her, she has a greater destiny to complete. But I shall award you for raising my child." The Empress said, swiping the ropes to the side, exposing her pussy to the grand master.

The Empress placed her hand on the back of Luther's head, pulling him into her crotch. Luther was surprised and his mouth was pressed to her pussy. His tongue pressed upon the lips of her, tasting the giant woman's body. His tongue traced the lower lips, slowly pressing against them, before a bit more of a push, and Luther's tongue was pushed inside of the lower set of lips.

The Empress let out a sigh like moan as Luther's tongue explored her insides, tasting the juices that rolled down the walls. His hands rested on her legs. Luther felt almost blissful peace as he was between the legs of this woman, before she pushed him back.

"Ok, enough of this." She said.

Turning away, the empress left, with Dolor carrying Janson.

"Wait! What are you going to do to her?" Luther asked, still coming out of his moment of bliss. 

"She will take command of the legion, and then return, to recruit." Dolor said.

"I want to come with! I will not leave her." Luther said.

Both Dolor and the Empress stopped, confused.

"He would die if he remained human." Dolor whispered.

"I could make him a thunder warrior." The Empress said.

Both looked at other, then at Luther.

"I saw we take him and make a better thunder warrior, one that wont be a timebomb." Dolor said.

"Agreed." The Empress said.


Janson woke up, met by 5 female faces. 2 were very beautiful, 1 was rugged yet beautiful, one had grease on their cheek that made her look foolish, but attractive, and the last one had dark skin and glowing red eyes. They all smiled, looking at her.

"Welcome sister!" The all announced simultaneously.

"I'm Isis, the first found, this is Freya, she's a bit of a bitch." Isis said.

Freya looked at her.

"Hey! I'm not a bitch! I'm the toughest one here!" Freya said.

"What ever. There's Victoria. She's going to get you dressed and make some clothes." Isis said.

"I just need to know what you like." Victoria said, smiling.

"Over there are Ferrah and Venus, they are the craftswomen, they can make you some armor." Isis explained.

"Where is the big brute?" Janson asked, confused.

"Dolor? Oh, he left, something about a report on the eastern front." Isis explained.

"So, what's your name?" Victoria asked.

"Janson, Lion'ess Janson." She explained.

"Well Jan, welcome to your family." Isis said, smiling.

OK, so we will have an interlude chapter involving the Dark Elves, some space marines, then we will have the discovery of Harcross! Also Q&A is coming up so leave some questions for the characters.

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