Q&A answers

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From Ianvgmail.com Can the Matriarchs or Female Space Marines become Pregnant?

Short answer
The Matriarchs: in theory, yes it's possible but no idea if it actually is, no one has had the brass balls, or big enough balls to do it

Female Space Marines: Yes, if you try you can get a female space marine pregnant

Long answer
Fertility is reduced to a great amount due to the massive amount of genetical rewriting that is done, along with several hormone changes that reduce the number of viable eggs inside of a female Space Marine's ovaries. 

However it is possible for a mortal man to unpregnant one of the Empress's Angels, it just takes 1 of the following:
A man with a large release
A  dedicated man to release twice
A female Space marine to be in her red rage and fucked

These off spring will be more accepting to geneseed, along with a 0.05% chance of them having the geneseed naturally inside of them on birth, making an astartes at birth.

However, certain legions, No names are given, have a tradition of using marines who are broken, as breeding stock. This is rare, as it is seen as a bit unethical to certain Matriarchs, and a worse punishment than death to one or two. 

However these relationships have a likelihood of making a space marine child, one that has geneseed implanted in them at birth. The reason this is not done more however is due to the nature of these children being infertile, and in cases, more likely to have geneseed failure/defects. This is most common in cross legion relationships.

Matriarchs do not seem to be able to be impregnated, however, they can also choose when and where they have their periods, if they think they need one at all. Also the low number of male marines in the Matriarch lead legions have caused the theories about it lacking any real test abilities. Futa marines have attempted, but there is no sign from the various other apothocaries, that the matriarchs have become pregnant.

-From, the desk of Fabula Wile, Chief Apothocary of the Empress's Children-

From Buff_Villager Does the warp Fuckery that made everyone so horny that it makes Slaneeshi demons look normal, affect everyone? Or are there individuals roaming around in space who aren't affected? I like to think that Ollanius Pious is actually chilling about, and doing keeping his own catholic morales, so he tries his best not to have any human contact.

-From the Desk of the Primarch of the Second Legion, Dolor-

"The warp lacks any affect on ones libido, however, the Empress seemed to have made a genetical coding error that went undetected until maturity that has caused most space marines and even my sisters from the ones I know, with a high sex drive. I personally have been able to control myself.

Farah, well, she enjoys machines a bit too much desire for pleasure, however I think she gets off building machines, but that's my personal opinion.

Victoria, on the other hand, seems to enjoy time, and seems to spend too much time reading surviving novels, mostly revolving around erotic exploitations.

Freya is turned on by battle, often sparring with her marines, she wins, and fucks the loser as a "Consolation Prize".

Isis.....I really don't know about her. From what I've seen, she will try and get into a dominant stance, but, I'm not sure myself.

As for me, got mine under control, I just focus the energy else where.

As the legions, they reflect more the leaders. I have no idea who this... "Ollanius Pious" is, but there was a regiemnt from the Old Hundred who were "Catheric." 

To Lady Victoria, Matriarch of the Empress's Children
What exactly turns you on, seeing fools and diots who seem to not be aware of their surroundings?

It seems a greatly low standard for someone as grand and beautiful like you.

From: Commander Flavian Julian, Current Acting Commander of the Terran Ground Company 23 of the Imperial Army
(P.S: Orks are currently dog pilling in mu sector, if you kindly could, please send help. The women are in dire need of a break)

From Servitor 38274- Recording servitor of Victoria.

"Dear Commander Flavian Julian of the Terran Ground Company,

I, Victoria, am rather impressed with the directness of the question, but, to be kind enough to do one of the things you asked, I shall answer.

I am not attracted to fools or idiots who are not aware of their surroundings. What attracts me, is rather special. That innocence of sexuality that fails to register in their mind, or are just unaware of sexual nature. 

To make a comparison that you could use. Farah, attracts me, because she, though bright and intelligent in terms of mechanical prowess, she is rather, dim in terms things outside of machines.

Dolor is also, interesting, though rather direct in his nature and a bit of a proud, he does make my body shiver from times, especially when he is not his normal calm self. I have seen him ring the neck of an ork, and I would let him choke me if I could get a chance.

I am sorry, but I seem to be unable to locate your front in the log book, what army group are you in? If I am close I could help, but I think Dolor is closer, he seems to be everywhere with his chains. 

OK, so done with the first questions section, more questions can be asked, so leave them here or on the chapters, either to everyone, or to a specific person.

Next we will see 2 more Matriarchs appear, before we get the other brother from the most holy mother.

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