The Eldar Plan

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Eyes closed, arms outstretched, Eldrad Ulthran channeled the energies of the warp with ease while chanting in the unrivalled complexities of the Eldar language. Powerful energies flowed through the farsee, the air became thick with the presence of the warp. Cohorts assembled all around offered their own power, and focused on the great labour. Living beacons of devotion and worship for the gods that they were attempting to fix with their enemy's power.

Around a hand crafted altar to the four reainming Aeldari gods, Eldrad stood assembled with one faithful representative each of the remaining Aeldari pantheon. "It is time, join hands, we must all now take the plunge into the abyss, if we are to bring salvation to all Aeldari" Eldrad said calmly as each hand picked representative of the remaining Eldar Gods linked hands with one another. Khiraen, Kaeleth-Tul, Sylandri Veilwalker, and the Visarch all resonated with the power of the warp as they each prepared themselves for the greatest undertaking imaginable for an Eldar.

"Remember, the power of the Laughing God will protect us" Said Veilwalker in her normal cheerful tone, despite the grave tone in the air. "There will be nothing to fear, even if something should go wrong. We will be hidden from the sight of the empyreans, so enjoy the experience as best as you all can!"

"Of course a devotee of Ceogorach would think so lightly of this task." Scoffed the Visarch. "I hope you all remember the importance of this ritual. I've waited long enough for my lord's awakening. Eldrad, begin!"

All at once, power beyond mortal comprehension flooded the five figures, filling them with vigor, making their bodies seize up and spasm helplessly in the face of the afterglow of divinity. Then, it stopped, silence overcame all Eldar on Coheria, as the ritual began in earnest...


"Where am I" Eldrad muttered aloud, as the farseer's blurred vision returned. Head throbbing, chest pounding, Eldrad looked around in the darkness for the others, yet saw nothing but the dark black of the void.

"Wait, no, not the void. The warp. So, why is it so dark? Where did we emerge?" The farseer continued, as Eldrad looked down to see a pair of ghostly translucent arms, still clad in the dark garb of a Ulthwe Seer. "So strange, to be in the realm of Chaos, yet to avoid She Who Thirsts gaze?"

"Are you doubting the results of your own work now, Eldrad'' Called out the familiar brooding voice of the Visarch. Eldrad turned towards its direction, and sure enough saw a glowing silhouette in the distance, clad in a dark purplish haze. "Take heed Eldrad Ulthwan, the ritual techniques of great Ynnead that I imparted upon you were not wasted. We truly are in the realm of Chaos, and so long as The Laughing God continues to mind our strings, and the Whisper of Ynnead cloaks our movements, we should go unnoticed in this heinous realm!"

"Strings" Eldrad said absentmindedly, before feeling a tug on the spirit stone. Looking closely, a small gossamer thread of white light humbly hung from Eldrad's own breastplate where the spirit stone was affixed.

"Right, yes. Forgive my absent mindedness. This place, so familiar, and yet disturbingly foreign. I lost my composure somehow..."

"Worry not Eldrad. None of us would judge you for a lapse or two considering the memories this foul domain must bring to mind" Boomed the familiar voice of Khiraen Goldhelm. Yet when Eldrad turned towards the sound, no-body was there to greet the farseer, only a floating luminous wispy ball bathed in dreadful red light.

"So you didn't get your body back after all, wraithlord. My my my, what a shame, and here I was hoping to glimpse your handsome face one last time" mused Sylandri Veilwalker as she too came into focus.

"Good. That only leaves Kaeleth-Tul. Where is that muse damned vocalist?" Bemoaned the Visarch. "Surely he can still speak in the realm of souls, or is he just afraid that his voice might truly be lost forevermore?"

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