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On the Planet of Wrekshit, The Empress, Isis, Dolor and Freya prepared for battle, a drop pod assault would open the battle, followed by the drop ships. The Vengeful Spirit, The Hranfnkel, the Imperator Somnium, and the Sternenkrieger hovered over the planet.

"Prepare to drop, the orks are creatures who survive and thrive in war. You need to burn the lands you take to stop their growth, do not capture the orks, just kill them." The Empress said over the vox.

Dolor held his weapon, a scatter bolter he affectionately named "Lightning War". As the drop pods rained down, there was silence, before a communication signal was caught.

"I've been blown off course! Dolor! I'm making a landing south of your landing zone!" Freya yelled.

"Is that a call of rescue or informing me that the south will be a barren wasteland?" Dolor asked, teasingly.


As Dolor's pod crashed down, and the doors opened, he saw the orks, a green menace that had huge underbites, and bodies that made very little sense. He fired the Lightning war, blasting the Ork in front and around it, away. 

Dolor and his terminators of the Second Chain, cleared an area with assault cannons and flamers. The Group saw the rising smoke.

"We have to get to Freya, we will meet with the others after we get to her." Dolor said. 

He loaded incendiary rounds. He pushed the squad through the ork's forces. As they reached the landing zone of Freya, they saw Freya, armor ripped as she swung her sword, Mjalnar, cutting several orks in half.

As an ork kan got close, Dolor grabbed Freya, pulling into a dip as he fired Lightning war, destroying the kan in a single powerful shot.

"Thank you dear brother." She said, smiling.

Dolor pulled Freya up, before turning.

"Chain 6, deploy at my location, you get to play with the big dog." Dolor said.

After a minute, a ring of pods deployed, showing more Chains of Sol, but these were more, anxious for battle, controlled, but hungry for battle.

"Erickson, until the return of Freya to the Space Wolves, you are to escort her." Dolor said.

"Yes sir!" the chain commander said.

The battle against the orks was ruthless, thousands of Orks were sent out to try and destroy the Imperials landing on the planet. As night fell on the planet, the Imperium had set up a foothold, one the orks could not break.

Over on a mountain, the Ork Barboss, Krazkill Mek-krusha, looked through a set of binoculars, seeing the Imperial camp.

"Dos Humies tink they'r so smart? I tink I'z gonna krump da gitz. Krump um good." he said, before reaching a section of the camp, and was surprised, the humies were out of their armor, and wrestling each other, naked.

The Marine with a chain with 6 chain loops tattooed around his bicep was wrestling a marines with a wolf head on their back. The wolf marine was moving their hips up and down, slamming down on the chain marine, but something was inside of the marine, a rod of flesh.

The Ork warboss rubbed his head.

"Iz dis som new form of fight? Wez need ta know mor." He said.

The orks were able to capture some of the "supa humies". They were bound and stripped of their armor and weapons, along with gagged.

Krazkill walked up to one, it had large balloons on their chest. He pushed her down, and spread her legs, seeing a small set of lips between her legs. He pushed his large finger inside of them, and heard a moan. He pumped his fingers in the lips, before suddenly the lips pushed down on his fingers, and juices squirted out.

"Get da painboyz on dis. I want ta know eveyting der iz about dem humies bodies." Krazkill ordered.

The Orks painboyz studied the captured marines, injecting them with "Tell Juice" and forced the secrets of this new form of fighting to be released. The Orks learned that this form of fighting, was known as sex, and that dominance was possible. The Ork Painboyz and Mekks met, and began planning.

"We'z gonna mak da first Ork of dis new type! We'z gonna need a hole, Mekks, dig da hole!" the Painboyz yelled.

"Zen wat youz gonna do?" The Mekks asked.

"We'z gonna mak da mixta ta mak da new Ork." The Painboyz said.

And with that, the Ork Warboss's base was flooded with orks, and a fortress was built in the mountain, as the Painboyz and Mekks worked together, making the spawning pit of the new Orkz.

As the war on Wrekshit continued, the orks continued to defend their base. The Pit was filled with a slime of Pink and Purple liquids, with Grots surrounding the pit. Warboss KrazKill walked forward, removing his armor, before climbing in the pit, he sunk down, and stayed there for hours.

The Imperial assault on the base finally breached the walls, as Dolor lead a breacher squad through the compound, they reached the area with the pit. As they got close, something erupted from the slime, it sounded like an ork, but something was wrong, it had long black hair, a much smaller head and jaw, it was muscular, and had similar body proportions.

"You'z Humie! I'z gonna fukk you!" It said, wipping the slime off of it's body, showing large tits, wide hips, it was a female Ork.

Dolor took aim, before he flinched, something stopped him from pulling the trigger. The Ork Warboss, smiled.

"Da new Orkz will spread! The New FIGHT will rize!" it proclaimed, before a large pod landed on her, and pulled her into a large deffkopta. The Ork Warboss left, fleeing away to a ship in space. The first New Ork has been unleashed to the galaxy,

"Mother, I think we have an issue." Dolor said.

"What is it? We have detected an ork Corvette escaping the system." The Empress said.

Dolor walked the camp, and eventually reached the painboyz building, finding 3 marines, a male, a female, and a futa marine.

"The Orks evolved." Dolor said.

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