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"I do. You too Mork, sod off." Beast

"Aw Zog!" cursed an unseen sneaky boi.. Not that either remaining individual was paying attention.

Steely wits on high alert, Revelation tried to sneak out undetected, only for the Great Beast to block off her exit.

"Interesting. An anathema, or something that will become one. Were my body not already taxed Id'd very much like to see what effects my primal seed might have on you. Alas, I think I'll settle for a rousing bout of questioning. Who are you, why are you here, and why should I allow your presence in this sacred place?" The Beast said.

Revelation made plans to sprint past the Great Beast, when a strange feeling overcame them. Quick as lightning, Revelation's posthuman brain Felt something slide upwards across the right leg, flowing to every limb, binding them with great force. All limbs were restrained, Revelation was raised off the ground, coiled and bound by wet sticky tendrils of the chaos gods own cum. Humanity's champion struggled vainly against the tentacles without success.

"A woman?" Mused the Great Beast, Revelation now exposed in full sight.

"I would have thought... oh, I see, an amalgamation of many powerful souls, of many varied individuals, not unlike Malal, though of course, unlike her, you are only mortal" the beast said

Revelation felt indignity rise up from the Great Beast's thoughtless words. With great strain she commanded her body to transform into a more combative form, eager to wrench herself free of this situation, to at least go down fighting. Nothing happened.

"What? Why can I not change back? I no longer have need for stealth, I need brawn!" Revelation thought

The Great Beast smirked knowingly, shrinking down it's size to a more comprehensive level for the benefit of interaction.

"What to do with you. I could offer you ascention, force it even, that would just take the fun out of things. I could just kill you, but you aren't nearly enough of a threat. Perhaps I should turn you into a toy? Yes, that sounds like the best option." The Beast wondered.

Snapping his fingers, the coils of godly fluids melted apart Revelation's clothing, revealing the supple flesh that'd been hidden within.

"Not bad, though your form could be more idealized. I'll be sure to give you a more perfect body, in exchange for your ability to change out of it of course. Now then, let's begin shall we" the Beast laughed

Snapping his fingers, the godly ichor, puppeted by trace amounts of his own degraded seed, began to assault Revelation's pussy, asshole, breasts and her mouth.

Tentacles formed from the ichor, wrapping around Revelations's velopuous body. As they pulled back, Revelations saw them come together, in one long, tentacle, nearly 30 feet in length.

"Prepare anathema, for this is for you especially." The beast taunted.

The tentacle entered Revelations's mouth, slid down her through, through her stomach, intestines and came out of her asshole, before it rubbed the lips of her pussy, and entered, thrusting against the unspoiled womb. The tentacle thrust through Revelations, Choking and pleasuring her, all at once. The stimulation became too much, and made Revelation climax on the beast's tendril.

"Pathetic." He said.

He withdrew the tendril, and turned away, before Revelation stood up.

"Ho, I didn't think a mortal could resist my tender ministrations, even indirectly. You have piqued my interests" beast

Waving his hand, the tendrils ceased their vigorous assault on Revelation's now finely sculpted body, the idealized vision of the female form, her waist was wide, yet slim, large breasts gave her a perfect hourglass like figure, with legs that would draw attention from any man, breathless Revelation still barely holding things together as the tendril began to tease her pussy.

"I, am, your, undoing monsteeeer. Ah!" She could barely breathe, barely speak. The thing was testing her, trying to get a gauge of her mettle.

"So you are. Tell me, how do you intent to do just that?" Beast

Revelation forced the words out of her mouth, despite how pitted they were with all sorts of unbecoming lewd sounds. This was her last chance for success, she needed to trick the Great Beast, else all was lost. She spoke of her vision of the future; a grand imperium, with science at it's head, starving chaos of it's infernal worshippers. Of a future wherein mankind was free of warp predation.

A future where the weakened deities would be quashed by the resolve of a trillions strong psychic race, tempered with experience, grown wise with her personal tutorings. Of how she'd take fire from the gods, and forge it into living weapons who could defy them. Of the leftovers of the war in heaven that she'd use to keep them at bay in the meanwhile, and of how it was humanity's birthright to hold mastery over the stars, so they could finally start moving towards peace at long last.
The Great Beast grinned throughout the perfectly crafted sales pitch, wholly captivated by the impossibly grand plans of this, albeit impressive, mortal.

"Bold of you to assume victory is even possible. Supposing you could manage to overcome chaos, how would I benefit from facing defeat?" The Beast asked

With a snap of the fingers the tendrils redoubled their efforts, searing Revelation's mind with undesired pleasure. Heat coursed through every inch of her body, her mind began to fog as she moaned from the all out assault on her senses.

"I. mmmmmm, I I!! I can give you a good, good fight! Ah! Fuck, this, mph" Revelation said.

The Great Beast seemed to contemplate this for a while, gazing upon the empress as his tentacle grew short, but thick, forcing into Revelation's pussy. Each thrust, he weighed the options, fucking everything in the galaxy, or the continuation of what has occurred. Finally, after careful consideration, he halted his daemonic tendrils.

"I must admit, I'm interested in tasting defeat, true defeat, not like the cheap shot caging the old ones did. I am something that lives to overpower, you've been paying attention I see, you must've realized that I too desire to experience whatI inflict" beast

Revelation moved her mouth to further converse, but momentary ministrations by the tendrils jarred her out of clear thought, her body still stuck in their vice like grip of pleasure.

"Not that I believe you can overcome me, of course. Stil, I'm willing to provide a shot. After all, what fun is the great game without a chance of losing, eh." Beast

Walking over to the well of eternity, he extended his arm deep into the vortex of fundamental existence, wrenching a liquid ball of ethereal pseudo matter from the deepest spot in existence. Whistling, the mass of chaotic tendrils forced itself into the ball, dissolving, and producing about twenty different coloured patches in it's form.

"A gift, to even the odds, use this to create your living weapons. It should provide about twenty different models, each bearing unique genetics. As for you yourself, you've been saturated by my power. Strengthened. Amongst mere mortals you should appear to be a veritable mountain of psychic might.
Of course...." the beast 's tentacle glided against Revelations's pussy, "such power comes at a cost. Not that you'd be alone in that matter. I reckon that my escape, coupled with Malal's scream of ascension, has produced some very interesting changes within the materium." The Beast said.

Revelation tried to pick herself up, yet her legs buckled with soreness, and still lingering pleasure. It felt like she was being strained by a thousand times earth's gravity, everything felt weak, heavy, worn out like never before. And yet she still hungered for more.

"No, I must steal myself, now is not the time to give in. I have what I came here to get, now I must put the plan into motion." She thought.

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