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Clad in the loose tan robes of a simple pilgrim, Revelation approached the objective. The
final piece of the puzzle. It stoop imposing, old alien architecture topped with fizzling, crackling
warp energy. The centre opened with a not insignificant amount of psychic prodding, it's makers
had hid it well, yet not well enough to throw Revelation off from it's great prize.

She bade her companions to stay behind, those other perpetuals who recognised the folly of the baseline humans. The anvil was poised to drop, the warp lawed at realities seams, they would carry the torch, but first Revelation would need to acquire fire.

"May your journey be swift, your return glorious!" spoke Alivia Sureka, a well looking
female amongst the crowd of misfit immortals.

Revelation simply nodded in approval, before silently walking in. She was one of the more noteworthy perpetuals, filled with dedication, tempered with competence, brimming with faith in Revelations 'plan of attack' against the horrors that lay in store for all humanity.

I must have words with her once I return, a resource such as she cannot be left out to gather dust. Useful, she will prove most useful. With those thoughts in mind, Revelation walked briskly towards a beckoning destiny. As material matter met the condensed stuff of soulstuff that was the immaterium, the future regent
of terra stumbled around to try and find good footing, the tides of the warp battering Revelation, not unlike strong tides would a mortal.

Revelation gazed many horrors in that short time, alongside uncounted wonders. Some would later be recalled, others would flee from memory. One thing, no matter how the experience was remembered, was constant. Hungry eyes, filled with Malice, watching the fledgling saviour trudge through the tide of course existence. Those eyes gave rise to whispers in the dark, of warnings, of pleas, of offers most tempting. All were ignored, the great enemy deserved no heed.

After what must have been centuries of timeless wandering, Revelation reached the prize
so desperately sought. The blind spot, the clear path, the well of unfathomable power. Like a
miniature quasar it stood at the centre of existence. Some called it the akashic records, the more
scientifically minded had dubbed it the ascension point, the pessimistic few attributed such
names as 'tartarus' at the majestic sight. Revelation knew it by a different name, the one used by
gods new and old.

The well of eternity, slinking across terrain incomprehensible to mortal minds, Revelation deftly approached the sight. The goal was simple, skim the vortex for a sliver of the old ones knowledge, run like
hell back to the entrance at Molech, maybe cart off with some bits of untainted warp energy if possible. Revelation had gone over the scenario hundreds of times, thousands, millions even.

Nothing was unaccounted for. Now should be the moment wherein Tzeench, at the height of his oppressive power, omnipotent spell staff still unbroken, other gods still suppressed, would have his attention captivated by the well, sending daemon after daemon within to acquire the secrets of time itself. Revelation scoffed at the arrogant display, all that power, yet still the changer of ways craved more. Never before had the shepherd of humanity born witness to a more pre proof of the chaos gods madness, their quenchless thirst for more.

Yet something was terribly wrong


Revelation recognised that bellowing sound, violence summed in it's very tone. Khorne!? No, impossible, only Tzeentch should be present!?!?

Revelation hid immediately, cloaked in purity so fine that it reflected the corrupting tides back unto itself like a finely tuned cloaking field. The trek towards the well would need to be halted till Khorne left, the nemesis of chaos could not risk movement whilst two of the great neverborn where present. Tzeentch glanced over at Khorne, before refixing his attention unto the well.

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