Child of the Stars

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On the Planet of Premany, the night sky was clear. It was broken by a shooting star. The impact of the shooting star could be heard for dozens of miles in all directions. Scientists from the country of Premany adventured out, hoping to analyze the meteorite that impacted to the earth. One of them, a woman known as  Valarie Rezick, a chemist who was an expert on elements, was joining the scientific team, to analyze the samples she would gather.

As they team reached the creator, seeing a large object in it's center. The team slowly climbed down, taking samples of the soil, before Valarie and a scientist named Derrick, approached the object, seeing it wasn't just a meteorite, it was a metal object, covered in stone and ash.

The pod hissed open, and inside was what looked like a tube of liquid, with an infant inside the tube. At the top, there was a symbol at the top, two lines connected at the top ][][. the scientific team all gathered around the pod.

"What do we do?" Derrick asked.

"Well, we have witnessed life from others worlds, we shall teach it the ways of our world." Valarie said.

A team of horses were brought to the creator to move it. It was hooked up to the pod, and the horses pulled the pod up onto a cart. The pod was carried up to the University, to a place of Learning, where it could learn and be observed.

The News of "The Pod Baby" spread quickly across the continent, and then to the rest of the world. Scientists wanted to study the child for reasons of understanding extra terrestrial life, Religious leads claimed it was a gift from their gods, and wanted to take the child in and mentor them under "The proper conditions", while leaders of Nations wanted to have the child be moved into their countries, hoping to learn from the mysterious child.

Valerie however, wanted the child to learn in a place away from a corrupting environment. The pod drained of liquid, and she chose to raise the child. For years, she educated the child, naming him Dolor, educating him in history, science, literature, and mathematics. 

Years passed, and Dolor was in the kitchen, tinkering with something. Valerie walked up to the child, looking at him. Dolor was 12 years old, and standing at the stove, with a pot on it.

"What are you doing?" She asked, seeing Dolor having a straw in a small hole on a lid.

"Testing an idea." Dolor explained, before the water , began to boil.

Valarie looked at Dolor's expariment, a boat in the sink with a small sail. Steam shot out of the straw, pushing the boat.

"What would happen if we harnessed steam to make boats move?" He asked.

And with those simple words, and the point proven by the experiment, a new idea had been opened up to the world, and new inventions as well. Nearly two decades passed, and Premany had become home to invention, innovation and creation. By the time the decades passed, steam had been changed out for fossil Fuels.

It was also discovered, every 2 years, a small growth on the back of his neck would create a germ cells and small micro machines. It was discovered that by placing them inside of a body at a young age, that the body would develop additional organs, become stronger, faster, and senses would improve greatly. For those who had the material inplanted in them, it took 10 years for them to grow these similar growths.

Premany's military would take these "Improved humans" and make them an elite unit. Dolor found this concerning, but his fascination with the military began, once hearing of these elite soldiers. 

The doctrine that was used could be described as basic, large groups of men would line up and fire on the enemy as artillery fired on them from a distance. Dolor had an idea, of taking each block of men, and breaking them up into smaller groups, and give some a special role.

The new prince of Premany's ally, the Nori-Dardari empire, was killed, by a man of Polska. With war called, Premany joined Nori-Dardari, along with the Empire of the Mun, became ready for war. Polska however called for their allies as well, Gaullaica, a country to the East of Premany and the Isles of the Lion, a navel empire to the north of Premany joined Polska.

Premany was surrounded on 3 sides, and the inventors and Scientists were called in, and asked for one simple thing, weapons to defend Premany from this Threefold pact. Premany had the Nori-Dardari empire to it's south, and they shared a western boarder with Polska, and the southern boarder was shared with the Empire of the Mun.

The Goverment brought Dolor forward, he was the brightest mind ever seen on the planet. He had grown much taller, his short brown hair cut rough, his green eyes looked down on the man behind the desk.

"We want you to create an invention that will protect Premany from it's enemies." the leader of Premany, a man known as the Iron King. 

Dolor, wrote a simple equation down, Cl(1)N(2).

"This should deter any attack, use it when the winds face away from the trenches." He instructed.

"We will need more." The iron king said.

The guards blocked the door, aiming at Dolor.

"We shall hold Valarie hostage, and if you betray us, you shall not see her again." The Iron king threatened.

Months passed, and the War of nations continued, The Isles of the Lion blockaded Premany and attacked the Empire of the Mun, as Polska pushed into Premany and the Empire of Nori-Dardari. Dolor was locked a cell, and told to "Make weapons". Dolor made the weapons that would be unleashed onto the world.

The Land crawler, a tracked vehicle that would carry artillery and belt guns, making it a moving fortress.

Dolor was out on the battle field, watching the first test of the land crawler.

-meanwhile far above the planet-

The Empress had the second Legion prepare for a drop pod assault, as she sensed her child was on the battle field, where he belonged. Images captured what looked like a battle going on, she would need to be careful, and find her child, and aid their side.

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