The gallery P1

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Rematerializing in what felt like an instant, the Empress deftly took note of her surroundings. It didn't take long for the nostalgia of her surroundings to wash over her. This place, wherever it was, had all the trappings of an ancient Terran viewing room. There was a viewing projector, a high quality screen posited in front of several comfy looking pieces of furniture. To the back of the room was what seemed like an automated confectionary bar, with pictured buttons listing of a cavalcade of treats that'd stopped being mass produced eons ago. The floor was carpeted in some shiny fuzzy material, while the bright green walls were decked out with several choice painting. Some of them capturing historical moments of human triumph, others, the Empress quickly discerned, were legitimate articles from mankind's distant past, perfectly preserved as if they'd never suffered through millennia of decay.

'This "Trazyn" creature sure does have an odd fascination with the past.' Thought the Empress. 'Still, I suppose in this situation, that will be a useful character trait for me to exploit'.

Moving over to the confectionary station, the Empress decided to sample it. With the press of a button, it dispensed her a fizzy looking lime green liquid. Confident in her post human biology to deal with any potential poisons within the drink, she downed it. Surprisingly enough, it was legitimate. As if taken right off the assembly line and plopped into her hands.

The Empress waited idly for a few minutes, soothing over her anticipation by inspecting the room in further detail. Before too much time had passed, what looked like a sliding door whooshed open, heralding the arrival of her enigmatic host. The Empress once more gazed upon the form of Trazyn, alongside the bleak classical metallic insides of a Necron facility. Trazyn's living metal mouth formed a bemused smile.

"Ah, good, already making yourself comfortable. Apologies for the wait, short as it was. I had to deal with some, er, 'problematic technical difficulties'.

The Empress set aside her antique drink, and strolled up to the Overlord of the facility.

"I don't care about you problems, Xenos" She practically hissed at Trazyn. "What I do care about is all 'this'" She motioned around the room with outspread arms.

"Ah, yes. I am a collector of antiquities you see. Though prior to recent events I wasn't much one to leave the planet myself, I still took it upon myself to have canoptek drones observe and preserve the history and artifice of the old one's modified races. Amongst...other concerns."
The Empress continued to look upon the Necron with narrowed, doubtful eyes. She knew well the disastrous tale of the war in heaven, understood the nigh incomprehensible scale of damage they'd wrought upon all creation with their poisoning of the warp. Yet,if anyone could truly comprehend the depth of the situation, of the change in priorities that'd arisen within chaos, it would surely be one of their kind. Experience being the greatest teacher and all.

"Feel free to get comfortable" spoke the Necron once more. Pacing around the Empress, Trazyn made himself comfortable on the antiquated furniture.

"I will do as I see fit Xenos, you'd be well served remembering that fact!" She spat at the alien creature. Even still, she took a seat herself. Letting her guard down was one matter, being overly antagonistic towards a useful pawn was an entirely different matter.

"Yes, very good. Now then, feast your eyes upon this!" The Necron exclaimed enthusiastically, clapping his metallic hands twice. The room darkened, the view screen flickered to life.

"What is it you intend to show me?" Inquired the Empress.

"Ah what indeed! Well, simply put, I have been a collector for an exceedingly long time. Long enough for these so called 'great beasts' to be a not too distant memory. Observe the viewing gallery and see for yourself, my lady."

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