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"Hey, Squirt," Gibbs smiled and picked up his three year-old granddaughter


Maya walked into Gibbs' house with Bailey Maria Gibbs-Torres, her daughter. "Hey, dad! We're here!"

Gibbs comes up the stairs from working on his boat, "hey, squirt!"

"Papa!" Bailey ran up and jumped into her grandfather's arms with a happy laugh escaping her lips.

"Thanks for doing this, dad. I know it was last minute," Maya said to her dad because he said he would babysit last minute while she worked security at an event for the President.

"Hey, no problem. I love spending time with this sweet girl," Gibbs said. He had changed so much over the last couple of years. He was softer and I have Bailey to thank for that. I hadn't seen him love like this in a long time. It was a happy sight.

"I should be back by 8pm if she is asleep then I can pick her up in the morning if you're okay with that," Maya paused, "come here, Bailey. Give Mama a kiss goodbye."

She pulled away from Gibbs and ran over as Maya bent down. She gave her daughter a hug and a kiss. "Love you, Mama."

"If she is asleep than she can spend the night," Gibbs nodded with a smile. He never once complained about watching his granddaughter.

"Thanks, dad. I love you, too, baby. I'll see you guys later. Have fun!" Maya said walking out the door. They called their goodbyes after her.


Maya was an hour into the Presidential event and things were running smoothly until they weren't. Maya called for check-ins from all security personnel at 5:30 and one person did not respond. "Runner 2, go check on Runner 5," Maya said, "and quickly." Maya shortened the distance between her and the President.

"There's blood," Runner 2 told Maya and as she was about to respond, she heard gunshots approaching. One of the guests pulled a gun, pointing it at the President. Maya didn't think about anything else but did her job, she jumped in front of the bullet. She knew her duty was to protect her National Leader.


Maya spent her life being lucky, but this time was different. She knew she wasn't going to make it. She was having flashes of happy memories and she could hear the codes being run in her conscious. Maya wasn't going to wake up from this and she made her peace with it as her mind raced from memory to memory. It's true what they say that a person life flashes before they eyes as they die. Maya knew that Bailey would be okay. Nick and Jethro would make sure of that. There was nothing left for her to do but let go.


Nick (p.o.v.) -

When he got the call, he didn't believe it. "What do you mean Maya got shot in the head?" Nick asked in bewilderment. "Where is she being taken?" Nick hung up on the President and rushed to North General. His thoughts were firing at a million a second and he felt sick. She's gonna be fine. God, let her be fine. He prayed in his head.

He burst through the doors of the hospital and ran to the front desk. "I need help. I'm looking for my wife Maya Gibbs-Torres. Sh--she got shot in the head." The nurse took in a breath.

"I'll find out, sir. One moment," before she finished, she was dialing and asking the person on the other end about Maya. She finally hung up after several minutes and looked up at Nick. "I'll take you to see her," was all she said. Nick followed her. Afraid to ask about how she was doing.

They walked into room 330 and a doctor greeted them at the door. "Mr. Torres," he paused, "why don't you sit in here." Nick did what he was told and sat down across from his wife who lay in a hospital bed in front of him. She wasn't conscious. She had bandages around her head and had tubes and machines all attached to her. "Mr. Torres, I want you to know that we did everything we could do but unfortunately, she had no brain activity."

"She's brain dead? She's dead?" Nick mumbled, feel frozen in place.

"Yes, she is brain dead," the doctor said solemnly. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do? Anyone I can call for you?"

"Before you pull the plug you mean?" Nick shoots back.

"That's up to you. Some in the same situation as you choose to put their loved one in a long-term care facilities," the doctor tells him.

"Maya wouldn't want that," he told him, "my daughter needs to say goodbye before anything else can happen."

"Understood. Would you like be to call someone?"

"No, I can do it," Nick responds, aching inside.

"Okay, I'll check in later. I'm sorry again," the doctor said before walking out of the room.

Nick pulled out his cell and dialed Gibbs. "Hey, Nick. Bailey is asleep. Do you or Maya want to pick her up tomorrow."

"No, you'll have to wake her up," Nick paused, "something happened."


Bailey was laying in the hospital bed with her brain dead mother and she had no idea that this was a permanent goodbye though Gibbs and Nick both tried to explain it to her. That Mommy was in a better place but Bailey kept asking when she would come home or when she would visit. This tore at Nick and he had to walk out of the room so he could cry.

This was it. No more late nights baking or watching movies with the love of his life. No more taking Bailey on new adventures with both her parents. No more. Nick wasn't sure he could do it on his own. He knew Gibbs would help and so would Tim and Ellie but he was afraid of life without Maya.

"It's time," the doctor said to Nick.

Nick went back in where his daughter still lay with her mom, Gibbs standing over them, running his hand over Maya's head, likely saying a silent prayer for a miracle but it was too late. Maya was gone. Nick kissed his wife's lips one more time and held her hand as the machines started to shut down. Gibbs and Nick both waited to see if she would keep breathing on her own. But she didn't. All her monitors went silent.

Maya was gone.

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