A Many Splendored Thing

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Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

-Dr. Seuss


Maya was healing well, but she was still feeling a lot of sharp pain. Her PA thought it may have been psychological, but told her to wait to see if it subsided in the next few weeks before she saw her general physician. She shoved that off and kept her focus on work. Nick and Maya hadn't been spending a lot of time together because they were both spending a lot of time at work. And Maya had been having a lot of long nights at work. Maya came into the office on a Tuesday morning and a file that she was not expecting fell onto her desk. Her friend Renee Turner had killed herself. Maya had a gut feeling something was off, she knew her friend was not in any way suicidal. Maya went down to Gibbs and his team came back from investigating the crime scene. Bishop was missing from the group. "Gibbs, what do we know about Renee Turner?"

"You know Renee Turner?" Gibbs looked taken aback, "how did you know her?"

Maya shook her head, "it doesn't matter. I want in the loop." Gibbs gave her a long discerning look then looked and nodded at McGee.

McGee pulled up a photo of her friend and her husband on the monitor, "Lieutenant Commander Renee Turner was assigned to the Defense Logistics Agency. Her husband is stationed at our naval base in Yokosuka, Japan."

"Has been notified about Renee?" Maya asks McGee.

"Quinn's on it," Nick answered, looking Maya in the eye, "in the meantime the daughter will stay with her grandmother."

"You check Turner's psych evals?" Gibbs asks.

"She wasn't depressed, Gibbs. There's nothing wrong with her," Maya jumps in and Gibbs looks increasingly impatient.

"Okay, Maya. Enough," he takes in a breathe, "if you want in the loop, you have to be a silent observer. McGee."

"No history of depression or anything that might indicate she's a suicide risk," McGee says and Maya throws a hand up as if to say 'I told you.'

"CO?" Gibbs asks, ignoring Maya now.

"He said Commander Turner was stable, well-liked," Nick says.

"Yeah, the only blip on her record is this..." McGee says, pulling up a file labeled Defense Logistics Agency, " Turner recently made several large computer purchases on behalf of DLA, then canceled the orders at the last minute."

"How is that blippy?" Maya asks and Gibbs gives her a look, "sorry."

"Well, she should've never placed the orders in the first place," McGee says, "DLA was already overstocked on that model."

"What does that mean?" Nick asks.

"It means something," Gibbs says, walking away, "find out what." Maya followed him because she assumed he was going down to see Ducky, but she should have known that he was expecting her to follow him. Once she got into the elevator and it had started going, he clicked the switch that stopped the elevator. "Talk."

"There's nothing to say, Gibbs," Maya says, "What do you want me to say?"

"Maya, I won't keep you in the loop if you won't tell me your connection to my victim," he says.

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